Annual Report 2005–06
學術發展 Academic Development 35 楊英洋博士 Dr. Yeung Ying-yeung • Outstanding achievements of academic staff and students include – Prof. Jimmy C.M. Yu of the Chemistry Department was conferred a 2005 State Natural Science Award, second class, in recognition of his NSFC-RGC research project ‘Photocatalytic Degradation of Persistent Organic Pollutants’. – Prof. Samuel Sun of the Biology Department has been chosen Leader of the Year 2005 by Sing Tao Daily in the category of education and research. – Dr. Yeung Ying-yeung, a Ph.D. Chemistry graduate, found a new organic synthesis that could substantially reduce the cost of production and improve the supply of Tamiflu. The breakthrough was reported in the influential Journal of American Chemistry Society . – Two teams of science students won prizes (Rank 1 and Rank 2 awards) for their projects in the Ninth Challenge Cup of the National Technological Competition of China. • The following new certificate and diploma programmes received approval for implementation in 2005-06: – Certificate programme in Food and Nutritional Sciences – Diploma programme in Food and Nutritional Sciences • The faculty set up a Centre of Novel Functional Molecules to conduct research on novel functional molecules for biological and catalytic applications in industry. • Dr. Richard J. Roberts, research director of New England Biolabs Inc, USA and 1993 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, was appointed Honorary Professor of Science. • A number of distinguished scholars visited the faculty to deliver talks, including: – Prof. Charles H. Townes, 1964 Nobel Laureate in Physics, in August 2005 – Prof. Andrew Wiles, 2005 Shaw Laureate in Mathematics, in September 2005 – Prof. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, 1997 Nobel Laureate in Physics, in February 2006 – Prof. Samuel C.C. Ting, 1976 Nobel Laureate in Physics, in May 2006 – Prof. Kurt Wüthrich, 2002 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, in May 2006 – Prof. Roy J. Glauber, 2005 Nobel Laureate in Physics, in June 2006 • The faculty signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Surface Science Western, University of Western Ontario, to implement an internship programme for an initial period of three years commencing 2005-06. 生物系辛世文教授(左一)獲選為 二零零五年度傑出領袖 Leader of the year 2005, Prof. Samuel Sun Sai-ming Acade ic Develop ent
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