Annual Report 2005–06

50 這 研究計劃由研究資助局撥款、人類學系呂烈丹教授負責,探 討香港及華南地區距今四千至一萬年前的動植物資源和史 前人類維生策略,於二零零二至零六年期間,開展一系列考古調查及 挖掘工作,並進行多項有關花粉、植硅石和石器使用痕研究。計劃有 助了解香港及華南地區的史前人類生活,當中以確立香港史前人類 的耕種活動尤為重要,證明當時的人類除狩獵、捕魚及採集外,有更 多元化的維生方法。研究亦發現東亞地區歷來最原始的陶器碎片, 為陶器的起源和演變提供新的研究資料。這計劃不但對香港考古研 究帶來新見解,部分成果更在古物古蹟辦事處的「西貢沙下考古出土 文物」展覽活動發表。 Funded by the Research Grants Council and led by Prof. Tracey Lie-dan Lu of the Department of Anthropology, the project examined the floral and faunal resources, and the subsistence strategies in prehistoric South China and Hong Kong between 10,000 and 4,000 years ago. From 2002 to 2006, archaeological surveys, excavations, and analyses of pollens, phytoliths, and use-wear of stone tools were carried out. Key findings of the project are useful for understanding the livelihood of the prehistoric community in Hong Kong and the South China regions. The project established the earliest evidence of cultivation in prehistoric Hong Kong, showing that people of that time subsisted in more diversified ways than hunting, fishing and gathering. Furthermore, it uncovered the most primitive pottery remains in East Asia to date with a firing temperature below 500 o C. The project provided novel insights into the archaeology of Hong Kong and new sources on the origin and development of pottery. Its significance was recognized by the Antiquities and Monuments Office in a recent project ‘The Ancient Culture of Hong Kong — Archaeological Discoveries in Sha Ha, Sai Kung’, one of the largest archaeological excavation works ever conducted in Hong Kong. 傑 出 研 究 計 劃 Outstanding Research Project ➊ 廣西甑皮岩考古遺址 The Zengpiyan archaeological site in Guangxi, South China ➋ 位於西貢沙下的考古遺址 The Sha Ha archaeological site, Sai Kung, Hong Kong ➊ ➋ 香港及華南地區史前人類維生策略研究 The Subsistence Strategies in South China and Hong Kong between 1,000 and 4,000 Years Ago