Annual Report 2005–06

學生和校友 Students and Alumni 77 校友 中大自成立以來,共培育了逾九萬名畢業生,遍布 各行各業,同為社會作出貢獻。多位中大校友於年 內獲政府委以要職,包括 ·特首辦新聞統籌專員何安達校友 ·政制事務局常任秘書長謝凌潔貞校友 ·行政長官特別助理陳克勤校友 ·公務員事務局常任秘書長黃灝玄校友 ·中央政策組全職顧問劉細良校友 ·規劃署署長伍謝淑瑩校友。 中大校友的貢獻在社會不同領域均獲認同,例如榮 獲香港電影金像獎專業精神獎的汪長智校友、星島 新聞集團「二零零五年傑出領袖選舉」教育/科研組 別得獎人兼善衡書院創院院長辛世文校友、候任嶺 南大學校長陳玉樹校友等。此外,香港特區政府於 今年繼續授勳及嘉獎多位具傑出成就或對社會作 出貢獻的中大校友(名單詳見後頁)。 中大在二零零五年年底頒授榮譽社會科學博士學 位予資深銀行家鄭海泉校友,以表揚他在香港經濟 發展方面及銀行界的卓越成就。另於二零零六年五 月以大學榮譽院士銜頒予三位校友,表彰他們對大 學和社會的卓越貢獻。他們是何萬森校友、許漢忠 校友及劉世鏞校友。 不少校友繼續以他們的專業知識和實務經驗協助 母校發展,他們參與校內各類諮詢委員會,出任大 學和書院校董,或應邀主持專業講座。此外,有更 多校友參加了書院及學系的學長計劃,與學弟學妹 分享他們的人生經驗和工作心得。 另一方面,中大校友繼續捐款支持大學、書院及學 系不同項目的發展;如「校友關懷捐貲計劃」,鼓勵 校友回饋母校、護蔭學弟學妹,反應相當理想。年 內大學繼續積極擴展交換生學額,海外校友會更響 應校友事務處呼籲,在當地接待前往交流的中大同 學,協助他們盡快適應當地生活。 大學亦致力加強與校友連繫,於二零零六年三月再 度舉行「中大校友日」,特別邀請畢業五年或其倍 數的校友重回母校,觀賞校園杜鵑、參觀新設施和 研究項目示範,並返回課室聆聽大師級教授講課, 逾千位校友出席。為更有效地讓校友得悉母校和校 友的最新消息和活動,校友事務處增加了每月電子 通訊 Alumni Matters ,讓訊息交流無遠弗屆。 中大校友網絡遍及全球,校友會逾八十個,各校友 會均與母校保持緊密聯繫。年內新成立的校友會包 Alumni The Chinese University of Hong Kong is home to a 90,000-strong alumni community whose achievements and services to Hong Kong have been widely recognized. In 2005-06, a number of alumni have assumed prominent positions in the HKSAR government. They include: • Special assistant to the Chief Executive Mr. Chan Hak Kan • Information co-ordinator of the Chief Executive’s Office Mr. Andy Ho • Full-time consultant of the Central Policy Unit Mr. Lau Sai Leung • Director of the Planning Department Mrs Ava Ng Tse Suk-ying • Permanent Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Mrs Cherry Tse Ling Kit- ching • Permanent Secretary for the Civil Service Mr Wong Ho-yuen Andrew The contribution of CUHK alumni in various fields has also been widely recognized. For example, Dr. Charles Wang was presented with the Professional Spirit Award at the Hong Kong Film Awards. Founding master of the new S.H. Ho College, Prof. Samuel Sun Sai-ming, was named 2005 Leader of the Year by the Singtao Group in the education/research category, and Prof. Chan Yuk-shee was appointed president-elect of Lingnan University. And CUHK alumni continued to top the HKSAR Honours List in 2006 (table overleaf). In recognition of their contributions to the University and the community, the University awarded Honorary Fellowships to three distinguished alumni in May 2006. They were Mr. Ho Man Sum, Mr. Stanley Hui, and Mr. Lau Sai Yung. As in the past, many alumni contributed their professional expertise to the development of their alma mater through participation in the University Council, the College Boards of Trustees, and various advisory committees, or by giving talks to staff and students. Mentorship programmes of the colleges and teaching departments were also enriched by alumni who shared their experience with the students. The alumni community continued to make donations to support the developments of the University, colleges and teaching departments. The Caring Alumni Donation Scheme launched by the University met with favourable response from alumni. Many also supported the expansion of the University’s student exchange programmes and overseas alumni associations received visiting exchange students from the CUHK. To continue promoting alumni relations, the University organized a Homecoming in March 2006 for alumni who had graduated for a number of years that is divisible by five. Over 1,000 alumni came back to visit new facilities, view demonstration of the latest research projects, and return to classrooms for lectures. To further facilitate communication with alumni, the Alumni Affairs Office launched its first monthly electronic newsletter Alumni Matters to keep alumni informed of the latest University and alumni news. Over 80 alumni associations around the world form a global CUHK alumni network to foster linkage between the University and its graduates. In