Annual Report 2006–07

100 including Block Grants, Earmarked Grants, Capital Grants and Grants from other Government agencies increased slightly to HK$2,981 million, largely due to the supplementary grants for pay adjustment. The recent recovery of global economy has boosted the investment market and as a result, interest income and investment returns for the year soared 51% to HK$594 million. Total expenditure for 2007 increased by 8% to HK$4,332 million from HK$4,025 million in 2006, as the University started to prepare for the change of curriculum structure. Expenditure for learning and research increased by 7% to HK$3,444 million. Under this category, instruction and research was the main element which accounted for 91% of the total expenditure. It included staff costs, operating and other capital expenses incurred by the Faculties and Institutes. Spending on library, central computing facilities and other academic services increased by 12% to HK$316 million in the year under review, whereas institutional support like premises and related expenses, management and general expenditure and students and general education services recorded an increase of 10%. The University’s financial position had further strengthened, with total net assets increasing by 12% to HK$8,954 million at the end of fiscal year 2007. The additional funds on the Balance Sheet were attributable to unspent donations, matching grants and fees received from self-financed programmes during the year. Taking a longer term view and in order to maximize capital appreciation, the University has formalized its investment strategy by redistributing about HK$851 million into unit trusts, and invested HK$410 million in equity share of a limited partnership. Cash and short-term deposits remained steady at around HK$2,720 million. The small deficit of $30 million from recurrent activities was covered by general and development reserve fund, reducing the balance slightly to HK$1,475 million as of 30 June 2007. In order to cope with the increase in student number, a number of large capital projects have been scheduled in the coming years for additional teaching and amenity facilities. Five new Colleges are being planned to enable the continued close interaction among our teachers and students outside the classroom under our unique collegiate system. Overall, the University is in a strong financial position and with a team of dedicated and capable staff, is well-prepared to meet the challenges ahead. 其他政府機構的資助,只輕微上升至二十九億八 千一百萬元,當中主要是今年增加一筆薪酬調整 補充撥款。近期全球經濟復蘇,投資市場回復活 躍,影響所及,利息收入及投資收益大幅上升了 百分之五十一至今年度的五億九千四百萬元。 總支出從上年度的四十億二千五百萬元增長了百 分之八,至本年度的四十三億三千二百萬元。學 術及研究費用上升了百分之七至三十四億四千四 百萬元,在這個類別中,以教學及研究費為主要 支出,佔百分之九十一,這涵括學院及研究所教 職員薪酬及福利、營運及其他資本上的支出。投 放於圖書館、中央電腦設施及其他教學服務的開 支,上升了百分之十二至本年度的三億一千六百 萬元,而大學輔助服務包括樓宇及有關開支、管 理及一般事項、學生及一般教育事務的支出則上 升百分之十。 大學的財政狀況不斷增強,截至二零零七年六月 三十日,總資產淨值為八十九億五千四百萬元, 較去年增加百分之十二。增加主要來源是本年度 從捐款、配對補助金及自負盈虧課程收入所獲得 而未動用的資金。 長遠來說,為了提升資產增值能力,大學改變其 投資策略,將大約八億五千一百萬元投放於單位 信託基金上,另外也以有限責任合夥人身分,注 資四億一千萬元買入一間投資公司的權益股份。 現金及銀行短期存款則保持平穩共佔二十七億二 千萬元。 由於要撥付本年度在經常性政府資助項目中之三 千萬元的虧損,一般及發展儲備金輕微下降至十 四億七千五百萬元。 為應付未來學生人數的增加,大學已籌備於來年 展開一系列基建項目,以增加教學及課餘活動設 施。其中,大學將成立五所新書院,使中大師生 在獨有的書院制度下有更多的交流場地,保持在 課室外的密切接觸。 總括而言,財力充裕,加上一班充滿熱忱及專心 矢志的教職員,大學定能應付未來的挑戰。