Annual Report 2006–07

引言 Introduction 7 the same period, the number of foreign students coming to CUHK on exchange was 856, an increase of 22.5% over the previous year. The University was in exchange partnership with over 200 institutions in 24 countries and regions and was constantly exploring to expand the scope, locale and form of exchange arrangements. Back on campus, the Office of Summer Programmes was formed in October 2006 to coordinate summer programmes, which have virtually expanded the borders of our campus and extended the semesters of the University. In the summer of 2007, 500 students participated in the programmes by enrolling on language courses and other courses with an Asian focus, some of which were taught by visiting professors from our partner institutions. New Colleges Thanks to the munificence of our benefactors, we were able to strengthen our college system in anticipation for the significant expansion in undergraduate enrolment when we revert to a four-year curriculum. In May 2007, the Council approved the acceptance of major pledges totalling HK$270 million for the establishment of C.W. Chu College and Wu Yee Sun College. In October 2007, the Council announced the acceptance of a major pledge of HK$150 million for the establishment of Lee Woo Sing College. These new Colleges will accommodate a total of 1,500 students on a fully residential and communal dining basis. Wu Yee Sun College and Lee Woo Sing College will in addition cater to a total of 1,200 commuters. Including Morningside College and S.H. Ho College established in 2006, there are five new Colleges to be built on campus, bringing the total number of Colleges to nine. Planning committees for the new Colleges have been formed and commenced their work. It is expected that the new Colleges will be fully operational by 2012. I am confident that the enhanced college system will contribute to the cultivation of a pastoral ambience on campus, fashioning an all-round educational experience and fostering closer ties and a sense of belonging among faculty and students. Sustainable Campus Development Conservation policy has always been an integral part of any building and development plan at CUHK. We were the first university in Hong Kong to conduct a comprehensive environmental audit and institutionalize a tree preservation policy. We have introduced effective measures and organized special efforts to heighten environmental consciousness within the campus community. We have installed solar panels in virtually all the student hostels. We launched a campaign to promote a walking culture on campus. The Environmental Protection Week has become a fixture on the University calendar. 十四個國家及地區逾二百所院校訂有學生交換協 議,並會繼續拓展夥伴院校網絡,增加學生交流機 會。 中大在二零零六年十月設立暑期課程辦公室,統籌 國際暑期課程,錄取外地及本地學生,打破傳統 學習時段的限制,使來校求學者毋分畛域。二零零 七年暑期,共有五百名學生報讀語言或亞洲研究課 程,部分課程更邀請中大夥伴院校的學者客席任 教。 ι͓ณ࣊৑ 承蒙社會賢達慷慨支持,我們得以優化書院制度, 準備日後容納轉為四年制而增加的本科生。二零零 七年五月,校董會通過接受兩筆合共二億七千萬元 的捐款,成立兩所新書院——敬文書院和伍宜孫書 院。二零零七年十月,校董會宣布獲得一億五千萬 元的捐助,成立和聲書院。這三所書院將錄取共一 千五百名宿生,採用全宿共膳的模式,伍宜孫書院 與和聲書院更會錄取共一千二百名走讀生。連同於 二零零六年成立的晨興書院和善衡書院,中大將增 添五所新書院,令書院總數增至九所。 各新書院的籌劃委員會業已成立,展開工作,預計 新書院將於二零一二年完全投入運作。我深信它 們可進一步鞏固中大的書院制度,提供更親切融和 的環境,造就學生的全人發展,豐富他們的學習經 驗,進而加強師生對大學的歸屬感。