Annual Report 2006–07

學術發展 Academic Development 23 Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Liuzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, to further academic linkages with the mainland. CUHK staff and students actively involved in academic activities and competitions on the mainland. Our faculty members were honoured for their great achievements during the year under review. Prof. Lo Yuk-ming Dennis, Associate Dean (Research), Director of the Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine, Li Ka Shing Professor of Medicine and Professor of Chemical Pathology, was the only recipient from Hong Kong to be bestowed the 2006 Cheung Kong Achievement award. A groundbreaking study revealing the role of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator in fertility and infertility by Prof. Chan Hsiao Chang, Director of Epithelial Cell Biology Research Centre, Li Ka Shing Professor of Physiology, in collaboration with Zhejiang Academy of Medical Sciences, was featured by Nature China , a new web-based publication from Nature Publishing Group. Two projects by undergraduates of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering were awarded the First Prize in the 2006 Intel Cup National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest – Embedded System Design Invitational Contest. One of them outperformed 158 projects from over 70 renowned national and Asian universities and won the prestigious award—Intel Cup. Three teams, comprising undergraduates and postgraduates of the Faculty of Business Administration and the Faculty of Engineering, won two Silver Awards and one Bronze Award in the final of the fifth e-Challenge Cup Business Plan Competition, which was participated by 129 projects from 22 provinces on the mainland and regions including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. CUHK was among one of the nine Hong Kong tertiary institutions entering the competition. 二零零六至零七年度,中大科研人員積極參 與內地的學術活動和比賽,屢獲殊榮。醫學 院副院長(研究)、李嘉誠健康科學研究所 所長、醫學院李嘉誠醫學講座教授兼化學病 理學講座教授盧煜明教授獲頒二零零六年 「長江學者成就獎」,是該年唯一獲此殊榮 的本地學者。 上皮細胞生物學研究中心主任兼李嘉誠生理 學講座教授陳小章教授與浙江醫學科學院 合作的一項女性不育的研究,對治療不育 及開發避孕方法帶來突破性的啟示,研究 成果於英國自然雜誌社新發行的網上雜誌 《自然中國》發表。 計算機科學與工程學系本科生設計的兩個項目, 奪得二零零六年英特爾杯全國大學生電子設計競 賽嵌入式系統專題邀請賽一等獎,其中一項更擊 敗來自七十所國內與亞洲著名大學的一百五十八 項作品,獲最高殊榮——英特爾杯。 工商管理學院及工程學院三支由本科生及研究生 組成的隊伍,在第五屆挑戰杯中國大學生創業計 劃競賽決賽中,勇奪兩銀一銅。該屆參賽作品共 有一百二十九件,來自全國二十二省及港澳台等 賽區。中大為九所參賽的本港高等院校之一。 招生方面,中大透過「全國普通高校統一招生計 劃」錄取了二百四十名國內學生,包括在廣東、 廣西、江西及山東全省名列前茅的學生。在已知 排名的十四省市中(該些省市的考生人數由十萬 人至七十多萬人),中大錄取了十五位排位十名 之內的學生,排在首五百名內的則有四十七人。 是年錄取的內地生高考英語成績相當優秀,當中 十人排名全國首百分之五或以上,而所有新生平 均亦位列全國首百分之十二或以上。 校長劉遵義教授於二零零七年四月二十三至二十 五日率團前往北京,訪問北京大學、清華大學、 國家教育部及科學技術部,介紹中大最新研究及 發展方向,商討深化合作交流方向。團員包括楊 振寧院士、姚期智院士、副校長鄭振耀教授及 文、工程、醫、理、社會科學院的教研人員。訪 問期間,中大與北京大學續簽學術交流協議及聯 合培養研究生協議,中大翻譯系亦與北京大學軟 件與微電子學院和計算機語言學研究所簽訂合作 備忘錄,鞏固及擴展雙方合作。 副校長鄭振耀教授於二零零七年一月八日率領代 表團訪問中山大學,團員包括人文學科研究所、 醫學院、理學院及中醫中藥研究所教研人員。生 物化學系及中醫中藥研究所分別與中山大學的生 奪得二零零六年英特爾杯的工程學院學生 The winning team of the 2006 Intel Cup National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest