Annual Report 2006–07

研究 Research 53 由 藝術系與文物館合作的研究計劃「合璧聯 珠二:樂常在軒藏清代楹聯」,分為展覽 及出版兩部分,展覽於二零零七年三月十七日至 五月十三日舉行,展出樂常在軒珍藏的一百五十 幅清代楹聯,全面展現清代(一六四四至一九一 一)書法對聯的面貌。 至於與展覽同名的大型圖錄,則由莫家良教授 (藝術系)主編,從學術角度分析清代對聯書法 的文學價值、書法家及其風格。圖錄以中英對 照,是目前國內外少有的中國楹聯研究。當中輯 錄的一百五十件展品說明,由五位藝術系研究生 及一位研究助理在莫教授督導下編撰,另附載兩 篇博士生的文章。 這個研究項目不但給系內研究生帶來實踐的 機會,也善用藝術系與文物館的資源,加強雙方 合作。 The Research Project ‘Double Beauty II: Qing Dynasty Couplets from the Lechangzai Xuan Collection’, jointly conducted by the Department of Fine Arts and the Art Museum, consisted of an exhibition and the publication of a catalogue. The exhibition ran from 17 March to 13 May 2007, showcasing the art of couplet calligraphy in the Qing period (1644–1911) through a selection of 150 works from the Lechangzai Xuan Collection. The namesake bilingual catalogue of the exhibition edited by Prof. Mok Kar-leung Harold (Department of Fine Arts) offers insights into the literary achievement, calligraphers and artistic styles of Qing couplet calligraphy in an academic perspective and the catalogue is largely unparalleled among published researches around the world. The entries for the exhibits were contributed by five postgraduate students and a research assistant under Prof. Mok’s supervision while two of the essays were the research outputs of two PhD candidates. The project not only provided postgraduate students of the department with training opportunities but also maximized the resources of the department and the museum in their collaboration. 傑出研究計劃 Outstanding Research Project 文學院 Faculty of Arts