Annual Report 2006–07

學生和校友 Students and Alumni 73 ཕ઒ነɡነϽᅕ͌ Number of First Degrees Awarded 2006–07 1966–2007 文學士 Bachelor of Arts 437 12,406 工商管理學士 Bachelor of Business Administration 541 12,392 中醫學學士 Bachelor of Chinese Medicine 30 86 教育學士 Bachelor of Education 68 1,782 工程學士 Bachelor of Engineering 363 5,422 內外全科醫學士 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 149 2,753 醫學科學學士 Bachelor of Medical Sciences 4 77 護理學士 Bachelor of Nursing 133 1,342 藥劑學士 Bachelor of Pharmacy 26 380 理學士 Bachelor of Science 530 14,214 社會科學學士 Bachelor of Social Science 488 15,080 總數 Total 2,769 65,934 ཕ઒ঢ়ज़ነϽʥʼንᅕ͌ Number of Higher Degrees and Postgraduate Diplomas Awarded 2006–07 1966–2007 博士學位 Doctoral degrees 225 1,756 碩士學位 Master’s degrees 3,283 23,617 文憑 Diplomas 1,060 16,580 總數 Total 4,568 41,953