Annual Report 2006–07

4 大學公布開辦亞洲首個法律博士/工商管理碩士課程 CUHK announced the launch of the first JD/MBA programme in Asia municipalities on the mainland, many of them top scorers in the national university entrance examination. Other non-local students came from countries and regions as diverse as Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Macau, Malaysia, Mexico, Mauritius, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, the UK and the US. Students from such a wide variety of national and cultural backgrounds have helped to enrich the learning environment and the social milieu on campus, bearing testimony to our philosophy of ‘education without borders’. New Academic Units and Programmes Fast-changing societal and professional needs have bred new interdisciplinary programmes, two of which were launched in the year under review: the four-year double degree programme in Engineering and Business Administration and the first ever JD/MBA programme in Asia. The Faculty of Social Science also initiated a new programme leading to the degree of Master of Social Science in General Education, which targets secondary school teachers who seek to improve their knowledge in anticipation of the new emphasis on liberal studies in the secondary curriculum. The School of Law was formally inaugurated in November 2006 and admitted its first cohorts in the same year. In the summer of 2007, it produced its first batch of JD and Master of Law graduates. Meanwhile, a separate Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery was created, capitalizing on the clinical and research expertise and capabilities of the existing Department of Surgery in this speciality. Preparation for 3+3+4 To prepare for the reversion to a four-year normative undergraduate curriculum in 2012, the university approved in 2005–06 an overall framework for curriculum and pedagogy development including new admission requirements. This year, four new capital works catering for future teaching, research, library and student needs were in steady progress. A new integrated, student-oriented IT system was under active planning, and other infrastructural improvements concerning student amenities and campus transportation were being reviewed. The University also began recruiting senior academics and other administrative personnel for better manpower planning. I am confident that all these preparations would provide a firm footing for the launch of the new curriculum structure. ነ৻ೕࢄ 社會各行各業對人才的要求日新月異,新的跨學 科課程遂應運而生。年內,中大相繼開辦兩個雙 學位課程,分別是四年制的工程與工商管理雙學 位課程,以及亞洲首個法律博士/工商管理碩士課 程。社會科學院則因應通識教育在中學課程日見 重要,推出通識教育社會科學碩士課程,配合中 學教師的進修需要。 法律學院於二零零六年十一月正式成立,同年錄 取首批學生。二零零七年夏季,首屆法律博士及 法學碩士學生畢業。此外,耳鼻咽喉—頭頸外科 學系獨立成系,充分發揮外科學系的研究力量和 臨床經驗,鞏固中大在相關領域的翹楚地位。 ٴ અɍɍ̒ነԹ 中大將在二零一二年回復四年制本科課程。大學 已於二零零五至零六年度核准四年學制的整體學 務架構,包括課程綱要、教學模式和收生要求 等。年內,與教學、研究、圖書館和學生設施有 關的四項工程,均取得良好進展。中大亦積極籌 劃以學生為本的嶄新資訊科技系統,其他有關改 善學生設施和校園交通的基建方案,也在檢討之 中。大學亦已開始招募高級學術人員和其他行政 人員,以應付未來的人力編制。這一切準備功 夫,將為新學制奠下穩固基礎,俾中大得以騰飛 精進,續創佳績。