Annual Report 2006–07

校園發展與環境保護 Campus Development and Environmental Protection 91 prepared by the University Safety and Environment Office (USEO) to help them conduct the works in environmental-friendly ways. During the year under review, the Campus Development Office and Estates Management Office staff continued to supervise closely the performance of their contractors when works were in progress to ensure that all works were implemented in compliance with the guideline. Safety on Campus Workplace safety continues to be one of the priority areas of the University. Safety services provided by the USEO have many fronts, including safety training for staff and students, on-site safety inspections and consultations, vetting and monitoring laboratory- based research grant applications, workplace monitoring and improvement works, construction safety plans evaluation and on-site monitoring of their implementations, as well as advisory services for specific programmes. As a major research university, there is an increasing demand for suitably equipped laboratories for top research projects. Two purposely built laboratories buildings were completed in 2007 to provide state-of-the-art laboratories and to provide buffer spaces for renovation of some existing laboratories. The design of the new laboratories had incorporated the latest international standards on safety and environment as well as meeting researchers’ specific requirements. An induction video providing essential safety knowledge for staff working in offices as well as those required to work outdoor was prepared. Safety talks and workshops were also arranged for specific training programmes such as first aids, fire prevention, manual handling and the safe use of display screen equipments. 下綠化措施:每年種植喬木超過三百株、灌木約一 萬株、顯花植物一萬株、做地被的小植物數千株, 以及青草超過五千平方米,且多栽種原生植物,減 少使用農藥。 ܓ Ψؒ ڬ 要防止校園污染,必須獲得承辦商、分包商以及供 應商通力合作。大學安全及環境事務處編訂之《環 境指引》,詳細列定守則及內部規則,以便施工者 遵從。年內,校園發展處和物業管理處一如既往, 嚴格監督承包商作業,確保所有工程均恪守指引。 ්࣎ΪͲ 工作環境的安全向為大學所注重。大學安全及環境 事務處提供各方面的服務,包括員生的安全訓練、 實地安全檢查及改善建議、批核及監察與實驗有關 的研究申請、監察及改善工作間的安全、評核建築 安全計劃及為個別工程項目提供安全指引。 作為一所科研大學,研究實驗室設備十分重要。兩 座實驗室大樓在二零零七年相繼落成,除了提供先 進的設備,也提供了空間提升現有的規格。新的實 驗室設計達至最新的安全及環境標準,也符合科研 人員的特別要求。 大學製作了一套有關工作安全的錄影短片,讓新到 任的職員獲得相關知識。此外,每年大學也安排講 座及工作坊,主題包括急救、防火、人力搬運操作 及使用電腦的安全知識。