Annual Report 2007–08

16 教與學 質素保證 大學教育資助委員會(教資會)成立質素 保證局(質保局),以監察資助院校開辦 的學士學位或以上課程的質素。由質保局 委任的評審小組於二零零八年四月到中大 進行了五天的質素核證,集中審核學生學 習質素。 質保局於二零零八年九月六日公布《質素 核證報告》,評審小組認為「中大按其角 色說明和使命,為學生提供優質學習經 驗,並設有良好的質素保證制度;中大如 實施質保局提出的建議,將可進一步改善 制度,提升教與學質素」。中大非常樂意 與其他院校及公眾人士分享大學於教學上 的優良範例。 課程檢討 質保局評審小組確認,中大於二零零三至 零四年度制訂及執行的「課程發展及檢討 綜合架構」,是確保大學本科及研究院課 程教學質素的重要一環。 按照綜合架構的指引,中大於二零零五年 展開本科課程檢討,至今已完成逾半數 主修課程,進度理想;高級學位修課式課 程的檢討亦於二零零七年至零八年度展 開。大學將把通識教育、副修 / 選修和語 文科目納入檢討範疇內,以提升教學質 素。 Teaching and Learning Quality Assurance The Quality Assurance Council (QAC) was established under the University Grants Committee (UGC) to oversee the quality of education offered by UGC-funded institutions. The review panel appointed by the QAC paid a five-day audit visit to the University in April 2008. The audit focused on the quality of the student learning experience. The Audit Report was released on 6 September 2008. The review panel concluded that ‘ CUHK is providing a high quality student learning experience that reflects its mission and role statement, underpinned by good quality assurance systems; and that these systems and the quality of teaching and learning will be enhanced further by implementation of the QAC’s recommendations ’. The University is pleased to share with other institutions and the general public its good practices in teaching and learning. Programme Reviews As confirmed by the QAC review panel, the Integrated Framework for Curriculum Development and Review adopted by the University in 2003–04 is an important component in the quality assurance framework of the University’s undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. According to the guidelines set by the Integrated Framework, the internal review of undergraduate programmes which started in 2005 was in good progress. More than half of the major programmes 全港首設:印度宗教與文化學專任教席 Professorship in Indian Religions and Culture: Hong Kong’s First 中大獲得四百萬港元捐款,率本地院校之先,設立印度宗教 與文化學專任教席,加強相關的教研及推廣工作,並邀得英 國牛津大學Prof. Kenneth Valpey出任該教席。 文化及宗教研究系亦開辦了四個全港首設的印度宗教及文 化科目,以增進公眾對印度多元文化的理解,並進一步促進 本地華人和印裔人士之間的友好關係。 With a generous donation of HK$4 million, CUHK has established a Professorship in Indian Religions and Culture to strengthen its research and teaching in the related field, making it the first local tertiary institution to set up a professorship in this academic area. Prof. Kenneth Valpey of the University of Oxford has accepted the offer of the professorship. The Department of Cultural and Religious Studies is offering four new courses — the first of their kind in Hong Kong — on Indian religions and culture. It is hoped that the setting up of new programmes will bring about a better understanding of the diverse cultures of India, and further enhance the existing goodwill and rapport between the local Chinese people and the Indian community. 英國牛津大學 Prof. Kenneth Valpey(後排右一)獲聘 出任專任教席 Prof. Kenneth Valpey (1st right, back row) of the University of Oxford appointed to the professorship