Annual Report 2008–09

22 海外學術交流 二零零八至零九年度,中大共有一千一百 三十四名學生前往外地參加交換生計劃 及海外進修課程,其中參加學期制交換生 計劃的六百四十四人,往海外及國內修讀 諸如暑期課程等學分認可課程的四百九十 人;另參與其他海外或國內體驗學習活動 者一千七百八十人。 另一方面,中大共接待了六百二十五名參 加了交換生計劃或自費亞洲課程的國際生 和非本地華裔學生,連同參加暑期課程及 中國語文課程的四百三十三人,全年來校 學生共一千零五十八人。 是年度,中大接待了一百一十七個訪問團, 他們來自二十三個國家,當中大多數來自 歐洲,其餘為北美及南美洲、亞洲、澳洲 和新西蘭。訪問代表包括: Overseas Academic Exchange In 2008–09, 1,134 CUHK students participated in exchange and study programmes outside Hong Kong. This included 644 who participated in term- time bilateral student exchange programmes and 490 who enrolled in various forms of overseas credit bearing programmes such as summer programmes. In addition, 1,780 students took part in other experiential learning opportunities outside Hong Kong. Meanwhile, CUHK welcomed 625 international and non-local Chinese students under bilateral student exchange agreements and the International Asian Studies programme. Together with the 433 international and non-local Chinese students admitted into the CUHK International Summer School, the total number of incoming students tallied to 1,058 for the whole academic year. 二零零四年度至二零零八年度交換生人數 Number of Exchange Students 2004–2008 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2007–08 2008–09 53 476 695 393 302 136 563 699 320 438 758 856 260 596 319 549 868 1,053 429 624 1,091 472 619 1,058 433 625 490 644 1,134 學生人數 Number of Students 年度 Year 來校交換生(一學期或一年制) Incoming Exchange Students (Regular Term) 來校交換生(暑期) Incoming Exchange Students (Summer Term) 外出交換生(一學期或一年制) Outgoing Exchange Students (Regular Term) 外出交換生(其他) Outgoing Exchange Students (Others) 423