Annual Report 2008–09

30 • 文化及宗教研究系成立文化及發展研究中 心,冀透過卓越的先導研究,促進文化與發展 相輔相成、互協互動的關係。中心獲香港特別 行政區政府中央政策組委託,於二零零九年 一月進行名為「香港藝術及文化界別人力資 源狀況與需要」的研究。 With a vision to promote synergy between culture and development through excellence and leadership in research, the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies has established the Centre for Culture and Development. The centre has been commissioned by the HKSAR Central Policy Unit to carry out a research project ‘Study on the Manpower Situation and Needs of the Arts and Cultural Sector in Hong Kong’ in January 2009. • 二零零九年乃哲學系創系六十周年,也是該 系創系系主任、首位講座教授唐君毅先生的 百歲冥壽。為紀念唐先生推動中國哲學及文 化發展的不朽建樹,該系舉辦「中國文化精 神價值之捍衞者:唐君毅先生百歲冥壽紀念 展」,介紹其生平及學術貢獻,展覽其手稿及 相關圖片、書籍等,並於新亞書院校園豎立 其銅像。 The year 2009 marked the 60th anniversary of the Department of Philosophy and the centenary of Prof. Tang Chun-I, founding chairman and the first Chair Professor of the Department. The department held an exhibition on Prof. Tang’s life and works, entitled ‘Guardian of the Spiritual Value of Chinese Culture: Tang Chun-I Centenary 文化及發展研究中心成立 Centre for Culture and Development established 文學院大事掠影 Major Events in the Faculty of Arts 音樂系與台大音樂學研究所簽訂協議。 The signing of Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Music, CUHK and the Graduate Institute of Musicology, National Taiwan University Exhibition’. A bronze statue of Professor Tang was erected on New Asia campus to commemorate his contribution. • 音樂系與國立台灣大學音樂學研究所簽訂學 術交流協議,確立雙方的友好合作關係。台 大音樂學研究所二十五名師生於二零零九年 一月二至三日到訪中大音樂系,參加「中大– 台大音樂論壇二零零九」學術會議。 The Department of Music signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Graduate Institute of Musicology, National Taiwan University (NTU). A group of 25 faculty members and students from NTU visited the department and participated in the ‘CUHK–NTU Music Forum 2009’ on 2 and 3 January 2009. 唐君毅先生銅像豎立於新亞書院 A bronze statue of Prof. Tang Chun-I was erected on New Asia campus