Annual Report 2008–09

40 Research Funding The bulk of the University’s research funding was provided by the Research Grants Council (RGC). In 2008–09, the University was awarded HK$145 million from the RGC in the form of General Research Fund (GRF), Collaborative Research Fund and Direct Allocation. A substantial proportion of this total, HK$119 million, was allocated under the GRF programme. The University also received about HK$78 million from the Government and government-related organizations, including HK$27 million from the Innovation and Technology Fund. Besides the HK$15 million allocated by the RGC as Direct Allocation, the University provided additional funding of HK$25 million for use by the Research Committee, which administers a number of internal funding schemes to support its researchers. This funding was distributed in various formats, including direct grants for research, support for strategic initiatives under the Group Research Scheme, matching funding for grants under the General Research Fund, travel grants for postgraduate research students, and awards under the Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme. Shenzhen Initiatives During the 2008–09 academic year the University took an important step forward in its research collaboration efforts with Shenzhen. On 19 March 2009 a well-attended ground-breaking ceremony was held at the Shenzhen Virtual University Science Park for a new CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute Building, the University’s first research base on the mainland. It will play an important role in education, research and the commercialization of scientific discoveries. On the occasion, a memorandum of understanding on deeper research collaboration was signed with the Shenzhen Municipal Government. The Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT) and its sub-unit, CAS–CUHK Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Integration Technology (SIAIT) have made good progress in the year under review. Jointly established by CUHK, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Shenzhen Municipal Government, the SIAIT promotes the development of frontier integration technology to cope with the need of the state and the region in mechanical and electronic industries. There are 13 research centres and laboratories under the SIAIT with over 220 research staff and close to 20 CUHK professors. The institute was granted over RMB¥51.4 million in 2008–09. Knowledge Transfer The University also developed a medium- and long- term knowledge transfer strategy to be implemented during the coming triennium. This strategy is aimed principally at making its own staff and its external partners more aware of the importance of knowledge transfer as a two-way process of exchange of ideas, 研究經費 中大的研究經費主要來自研究資助局 (研資局)。二零零八至零九年度,中大 獲撥一億四千五百萬港元,形式包括優配 研究金、協作研究金及直接撥款,當中主 要為優配研究金,達一億一千九百萬元。 中大亦從政府及與政府有關的組織獲得 七千八百萬港元,包括二千七百萬港元的 創新科技基金。 研究事務委員會負責管理數個支持研究 人員的校內撥款計劃。是年度,除了來自 研資局直接撥款的一千五百萬港元外,大 學另撥交研究事務委員會二千五百萬港 元,透過不同渠道,如直接資助計劃、合 作研究計劃、優配研究金增補資助、研究 生學術會議資助金和博士後研究計劃,分 配予校內各種研究項目。 深圳項目 二零零八至零九年度,中大與深圳的研 究合作邁進新里程。二零零九年三月十九 日,坐落深圳虛擬大學科技園的香港中文 大學深圳研究院大樓舉行動土禮。該研究 院是中大首個設立於內地的研究平台,將 在教育、科研及科技發明產業化等方面擔 當重任。中大同日又與深圳市政府簽訂合 作備忘錄。 中國科學院深圳先進技術研究院(先進 技術研究院)及其下的中國科學院香港中 文大學深圳先進集成技術研究所(集成 所),在過去一年有長足發展。集成所由 中大、中國科學院和深圳市政府合建,因 應國家及區域在機械裝備及電子資訊產 業發展的需求,探索和開發前沿集成科 技。該所下設十三個研究中心和實驗室, 逾二百二十名科研人員,近二十位中大教 授參與研究,於二零零八至零九年度取得 逾五千一百四十萬人民幣的研究經費。 深圳市政府與中大簽署全面合作備忘錄 A memorandum of understanding on deeper research collaboration was signed with the Shenzhen Municipal Government.