Annual Report 2008–09

18.5.2009 中大舉行第八屆榮譽院士頒授典禮,授銜予五位與中大淵源 深厚的賢達,他們為張文光議員、鍾永珏先生、關信基教授、李紹鴻教授及莫華釗先生。 Five distinguished persons were conferred honorary fellowships at the Eighth Honorary Fellowship Conferment Ceremony: the Honourable Cheung Man-kwong, Mr. Chung Wing-kok Leslie, Prof. Kuan Hsin-chi, Prof. Lee Shiu-hung, and Mr. Mok Wah-chiu Christopher. 18.5.2009 中大於香港沙田凱悦酒店舉行恭賀榮譽院士暨四十五周年校慶晚宴,款待逾一百八十位嘉賓。 Over 180 guests attended the Dinner in Honour of the Honorary Fellows and in Celebration of the 45th Anniversary of CUHK at the Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Shatin. 29.6.2009 中大於第六十六屆大會頒授榮譽博士學位予 白先勇教授 �Prof. Alison F. Richard 及伍步高博士,表彰他們對促進文化學 增進人民福祉,以及對中大發展的傑出貢獻。 The CUHK conferred honorary doctorates on Prof. Pai Hsien-yung Kenneth, Prof. Alison F. Richard and Dr. Wu Po-ko Michael at its 66th Congregation, in recognition of their outstanding contributions to academic and cultural advancement, socio-economic progress, promotion of the well-being of the people, and the development of CUHK.