Annual Report 2009–10

11 引 言 Introduction A Fond Farewell It has been my honour and privilege to serve The Chinese University of Hong Kong as its President and Vice-Chancellor for the past six years. I am grateful for the advice and guidance of the two Council Chairmen, Dr. Edgar W.K. Cheng and Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng, and other members of the Council. I am particularly thankful for the support rendered and comradeship shown by my colleagues at all levels of the University. I derive tremendous satisfaction from doing my small part for the University at a critical stage of its development. However, much work remains to be done. The most important risk the University faces today is complacency. We should not be lulled into believing the rankings of world universities published by some newspapers and consulting firms. It is important for us to know where we truly stand relative to our peers and that we need to continue to try harder to improve both our research and our teaching in order to remain a leading university, not only in Hong Kong, but also in Greater China and the World. I am confident that under the able leadership of Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung the University will continue to flourish in the years ahead. Lawrence J. Lau President and Vice-Chancellor 離別依依 過去六年能以校長身分服務中大,實乃 本人的光榮與幸運。任內鄭維健博士和 鄭海泉博士兩位校董會主席,以及校董會 各成員在諸事上不吝指導,我銘感五內。 此外,也十分感謝中大上下同僚的支持與 情誼。在大學發展的關鍵階段,能處身其 間,略盡綿薄之力,人生快事,莫過於此。 然而,未竟之事還有許多。大學切不可安 於現狀,故步自封。報章和顧問公司常發 表世界大學排名,我們不可盲目盡信; 須眼睛雪亮,頭腦清晰,方得知自己與同 儕立足之據,繼而努力不懈提高教學與研 究水平,不只在香港,在大中華乃至世界 均可躋身一流大學之列。我很有信心在 沈祖堯教授的領導下,大學在未來將會 精益求精,繼續蓬勃發展。 校長 劉遵義 11 引 言 Introduction