Annual Report 2009–10

31 學 術 發 展 Academic Development 工商管理學院大事掠影 Major Events in the Faculty of Business Administration • 工商管理學院於二零一零年暑假遷往位於澤 祥街的鄭裕彤樓。新教學樓高十五層,佔地 約兩萬平方米,設施完善,包括可容納四百人 的演講廳、七間專為小組個案教學而設的課 室,以及金融交易實驗室,還設有專門培訓酒 店及旅遊管理學院學生的配套設施。 In the summer of 2010, the Faculty of Business Administration moved to Cheng Yu Tung Building on Chak Cheung Street— a 15-level complex covering a total area of 20,000 m 2 . The new building features a number of state-of-the-art facilities, including a 400-seat lecture theatre, seven tiered lecture halls, and a finance trading laboratory. The new building also houses dedicated facilities for hospitality training that forms an integrated part of our teaching hotel, which is run in partnership with Hyatt Regency. • 中大於二零零九年十一月與科威特 ‧ 亞洲大 學簽署合作備忘錄,於科威特成立科威特 ‧ 亞洲大學商學院。中大工商管理學院將以 顧問角色參與該學院的規劃、制訂長遠 發展策略,以及課程設計和管理等工作。 CUHK entered into a partnership with Kuwait-Asia University (KAU) in November 2009 to establish the KAU Business School in Kuwait. CUHK will involve in setting up the school from scratch and give advice on the long-term development strategy, curriculum and programme design, as well as high-level management of the school. 院長黃德尊教授(右)及科威特 ‧ 亞洲大學商學院行政委員會 成員阿里 ‧ 阿爾塔拉教授交換合作備忘錄 Prof. Wong Tak-jun (right), Faculty Dean, and Prof. Ali Altarrah, Executive Committee Member of Kuwait-Asia University exchange the signed MOU • 中大行政人員工商管理碩士課程及工商管理碩士 課程於二零零九年倫敦《金融時報》排名高企, 前者位列全球第十九,由二零零一年首次舉辦該 項排名起,該課程一直位居前列;後者則於全日 制工商管理碩士課程中名列全球二十八。兩課程 的畢業生表現優秀全面,可迎合瞬息萬變的商業 市場需要,是全球大公司渴求的人才。 CUHK’s EMBA and MBA programmes have scored high in the Financial Times 2009. The former was ranked No.19 worldwide and has been consistently ranked high since the launch of the ranking in 2001. The latter was ranked No. 28 among full-time MBA programmes. The MBA graduates have consistently demonstrated their diversified talents to meet the dynamic business needs of the growing market, and are continuously highly sought after by renowned employers worldwide. 學院遷進鄭裕彤樓(前),毗鄰沙田凱悅酒店 The Faculty has moved to the Cheng Yu Tung Building (front) adjacent to the Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin