Annual Report 2009–10

34 法律學院大事掠影 Major Events in the Faculty of Law • 首屆法學士學位課程學生於二零一零年畢業, 學院發展立下新里程碑。學院於五月十八日舉 行高桌晚宴以表誌慶。畢業生將繼續修讀研究 院課程,為將來投身法律界作準備。 This year saw the graduation of the founding undergraduate students on the LLB programme. The High Table Dinner held on 18 May 2010 celebrated the success of the students and the programme as the students moved on to postgraduate courses in anticipation of a career in the law. • 法律學生於國際比賽屢獲佳績,今年再下一 城。代表隊伍在美國華盛頓舉行的Philip C. Jessup 國際法模擬法庭比賽中榮膺書面陳詞 比賽第一名,即Hardy C. Dillard Award殊榮。 Jessup模擬法庭國際著名,歷史悠久,聲望 甚隆。參賽隊伍須為假設的法律案件的 控辯雙方分別撰寫長達一萬二千字的書面 陳詞,並在資深的評判團前訟辯。中大從來自 全球八十六國、超過五百八十支隊伍中脫穎 而出。 The Faculty continued its success in mooting when its team won first place for their written arguments in this year’s Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition held in Washington, DC, the oldest, largest, and most prestigious mooting competition in the world. The Hardy C. Dillard Award for Best Memorial was awarded to the best written arguments submitted by the winning team out of 580 competing law schools drawn from 86 countries in the Jessup Moot. In the competition, the teams worked on a moot problem and each team had to write two 12,000-word ‘memorials’ (written arguments on each side of the dispute) and make oral arguments before an illustrious panel of judges. 模擬法庭比賽得獎隊伍及導師 The CUHK winning team of the Moot Court Competition and the instructors 學院舉行高桌晚宴慶祝首屆法學士 課程學生畢業 The High Table Dinner celebrated the graduation of the founding undergraduate students