Annual Report 2009–10

43 研 究 Research 信息科學 Information Sciences 中國研究 Chinese Studies 傑出研究計劃及國際會議 Notable Research Initiatives and International Conferences 生物醫學科學 Biomedical Sciences 「杜重遠和他的世界」工作坊 Workshop on ‘Du Zhongyuan and His World’ 中大在二零零八年與牛津大學中國中心簽訂備忘錄,開展多個領域的合作。二零一 零年一月八日在中大召開的「杜重遠和他的世界:戰爭與和平中的二十世紀中國」 工作坊,正是合作成果之一。 杜重遠是民國時代人物,集記者、企業家和政治運動家身分於一身,工作坊探討他 的一生,並從中檢視中國近代史的多個議題,包括戰爭的影響、新聞審查的歷史、 二十世紀企業的變遷等。與會者來自世界著名學府,如哈佛、復旦、布里斯托和牛 津中日戰爭研究中心等。 Held on 8 January 2010 at CUHK, the workshop on ‘Du Zhongyuan and His World: Modern China in War and Peace’ was the result in one of the several areas of collaboration as stipulated in an MOU signed by CUHK and the University of Oxford China Centre in 2008. The workshop examined the life of the early twentieth-century journalist, businessman and political activist Du Zhongyuan and used the biography of Du to reflect on wider themes in modern Chinese history, including the role of the war, the history of press censorship, and changes in business entrepreneurship in the twentieth century. Participants came from prestigious institutions around the world, including Harvard, Fudan, Bristol, as well as the Oxford China’s War with Japan programme. 乙肝感染機理新發現 New Light Shed on Hepatitis B Virus Infection 何鴻燊防治傳染病研究中心於乙肝研究取得突破。其科研隊伍運用蛋白組學研究 方法,發現糖調節蛋白78 (GRP78) 是一種可對抗乙肝病毒複製的主要宿主蛋白。 乙肝病毒感染每年導致全球逾一百萬人死亡,但長期以來,乙肝感染的病理學和病 毒,以及宿主相互作用的機理,一直不甚為人了解。這項發現首次闡明肝細胞內有不 為人知的抗病毒天然免疫機理,為研發新的抗乙肝藥物和療法奠定了基礎。 A research group led by the Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases made a breakthrough in identifying that glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78) as one of the most significantly up-regulated proteins induced by hepatitis B virus (HBV) replication. This finding is of paramount importance as HBV infection is a global public health problem that causes over one million deaths annually. Yet, the pathogenesis of HBV infection and the mechanisms of host- virus infections have remained elusive for a long period of time. For the first time, this study demonstrates that GRP78 functions as an endogenous anti-HBV factor. Induction of hepatic GRP78 may provide a novel therapeutic approach in treating HBV infection. 網絡編碼研究所成立 Establishment of the Institute of Network Coding 獲教資會卓越學科領域計劃資助的「網絡編碼研究所」項目,目標是在中大建立世 界領先的網絡編碼研究所,進行網絡編碼及其在互聯網、無線通信、信息安全、數 據存儲和生物信息等領域應用的前沿研究。網絡編碼概念於九十年代末提出,讓 數據可在傳輸過程中合併和處理,革新了數據傳輸模式,使網絡通信(如互聯網) 更有效、可靠、穩定和安全。 The project led by CUHK to establish an Institute of Network Coding received funding from the AoE Scheme of UGC. The main objective of this project is to build a world-leading institute of network coding at CUHK that will conduct forefront research on the theory of network coding and its various applications