Annual Report 2010–11

21 奕珊和倩雯看到氣候變遷令冰架崩 解,了解到氣候改變對南極企鵝的生 活習性和數目的影響,又參觀了當地 荒廢多時的捕鯨廠的鯨油處理槽,以 及英國海軍基地遺址,目睹人類對大 自然造成的破壞。 在全球化的時代,民族國界是否將 愈來愈模糊,尚難斷言。但可以確定 的是,氣候變遷、空氣和水污染不辨 疆界,蒙古刮起的沙塵暴,會吹襲到 北京、韓國、日本、台灣,甚至遠渡 太平洋波及美國。保護地球環境和 生態,是世界公民最須關注的課題 之一。 中文大學從創校之初,已十分強調大 學的國際性。當時的顧問委員會中, 有來自英國、美國、瑞典、意 大利等國的學者,校董會中 也有來自英、美的成員。時 至今日,我們所強調的國際 性,除了大學社群有來自不 同國家的成員外,還重視培 育學生對於人類共同體的歸 屬感與責任感,懷有身為地 球村一員的自覺,以在嶄新 的全球化社會中對人類有所 貢獻。我們的學術課程、海 外交流和實習計劃都致力達 到這一目標,以上所述是其 中的一些努力。 Carol and Cindy noticed that the effects of climate change were evident in Antarctica. They learned that climate change contributed to ice shelf collapse, the change of habits and decline in numbers of penguins in Antarctica. They visited old whale oil processing drums deserted by the whaling industry and the disused structures of a British naval base, which embody the havoc that human beings can wreak on the wilderness. It is hard to affirm that national boundaries will become increasingly irrelevant in the age of globalization. But what can be for sure is that climate change, air and water pollution know no boundaries. A dust storm originating from Mongolia can travel far enough to cause pollution in Beijing, Korea, Japan, and may even make its way across the Pacific to the US. Environment protection should be one of the major concerns of a global citizen. Since its inception, CUHK has emphasized its international character. It had an advisory board represented by scholars from the UK, the US, Sweden, Italy and many other countries. Its Council had prominent educators from the UK and the US. Today, the international character we emphasize is not only about having members from other countries in our university community, but also about instilling in our students a sense of belonging and a sense of responsibility to a global community, and encouraging them to make contributions to the emerging global world. The above- mentioned academic curriculum, exchange and internship programmes are some of our efforts to achieve this objective.