Annual Report 2010–11

23 開拓人類知識的版圖 Pushing Knowledge Frontiers 中 文大學是研究型大學,研究是 教學以外的另一重要任務。發 前人所未發的出色研究成果,不但能 創造人類知識,而且能令教學內容更 豐富,是優良教學的後盾。教學人員 必須與研究領域最前沿的發展保持 密切接觸,以助向學生傳授最新的 知識。 為了培養活躍的研究氣氛,締造有利 於優質研究的環境,鼓勵本校各領域 的研究活動發展,中文大學設有研究 事務委員會,專責制訂研究政策和提 出建議;而研究事務處則負責推行相 關研究政策,為本校研究人員提供實 際協助,以提升大學的學術研究至國 際一流水平,鞏固本校在區內研究的 領先地位。 以母體血漿拼湊胎兒基因圖譜 中大李嘉誠醫學講座教授兼李嘉誠 健康科學研究所所長盧煜明教授,在 1997 年率先發現孕婦血漿含有胎兒的 脫氧核糖核酸( DNA ),並由此開創 對孕婦及胎兒更安全的無創產前診斷 測試技術,在過去十多年廣為世界各 地的科研人員及醫學診斷實驗室所 採用。 但是,這種方法每次都只能針對檢 測一種疾病(如診斷唐氏綜合症)。 2010 年,盧教授的研究團隊再下一 A s a research university, CUHK devotes itself to both teaching and research. Novel and significant research findings not only contribute to the enrichment of human knowledge, but also serve to produce good teaching materials. Teachers who are engaged in research are more in touch with the latest developments in their fields and are more likely to include up-to-date discoveries in their classes. To create an intellectually stimulating environment and promote vibrant research activities, CUHK has the Research Committee to study research policy issues and make recommendations. And the Research Administration Office provides a range of practical services to its researchers. It also implements and maintains policies to fulfil the University’s aspirations to pursue productive research to the highest international standards and to maintain its status as one of the leading research universities in the region. Decoding Foetal Genomic Map from Maternal Blood In 1997, Prof. Dennis Y.M. Lo, Li Ka Shing Professor of Medicine and director of the Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences at CUHK, made a splash by discovering that the DNA of an unborn foetus could be found in the blood plasma of its pregnant mother. He went on to translate this discovery into innovative non- invasive prenatal diagnostic tests, which would make prenatal diagnosis safer for pregnant women and their babies. Some of these tests are already in use in many medical centres internationally.