Annual Report 2010–11

41 醫學院那打素護理學院則設立「甜 睡的秘密」網站,致力推廣改善睡 眠素質的專業知識,介紹各種治療 失眠的辦法和自我測試方法,令大 眾認識如何以認知行為治療來改 善睡眠問題。該項目又提供培訓工 作坊,幫助照顧長者的護理人員及 社工,學習以認知行為治療和耳穴 治療改善長者的睡眠問題。 另一個類似項目是因應食物營養 標籤制度推行而開發的「一觸虛擬營養 師」。該項目為香港首個食品成分資料庫 開發「蘋果」應用程式,方便市民利用流 動電子器材取用資料庫的內容。該資料庫 涵蓋香港人常吃的食品,詳列其成分和營 養價值。這個應用程式將成為鼓勵公眾選 擇有益健康食品的平台,協助他們改善飲 食習慣。 大學致力推動教研人員重視知識轉移,並 制訂定量和定質的指標,監察各知識轉 移項目的表現。我們的努力獲得教資會認 同,來信稱許中大善用該會撥款,鼓勵創 新和跨學科的知識轉移項目,開展多項社 區計劃造福社區,並在推動市場化和保障 知識產權方面表現出色。 未來,中大將會一如既往發揮大學的關 愛精神,鼓勵校內成員善用自己的知識、 技術和力量,在各個層面服務社會。 School of Hotel and Tourism Management. By creating new walking tours for the appreciation and study of the heritage of Sheung Wan and the trade of dried food in the neighbourhood, the project can help to promote the tourism industry and revitalize local heritage. Tourists may do their self-paced tour with the help from an interactive website, walking map and iPhone application. A project by the Nethersole School of Nursing aims at helping the general public to tackle insomnia with cognitive-behavioural strategies and complementary and alternative therapies. The project includes an online system called ‘SWEET DREAMS’, which features a self- test on severity of insomnia and updated information about cognitive-behavioural strategies. A series of train-the-trainer workshops will also be provided to teach health and social care workers to use cognitive- behavioural strategies and auricular therapy to help senior citizens to cope with insomnia. ‘Virtual Dietician at 1 Touch’ is another such project. In response to the current Nutrition Labelling Scheme, the project is aimed at developing an Apple application for portable device users to access Hong Kong’s first food composition database which features the ingredients and nutritional information of food that are commonly consumed in the city. The application will serve to promote healthy diets and help the general public to choose the right food. CUHK strives to promote KT to its academic staff, and has set and tracked both qualitative and quantitative performance indicators for each of its KT projects. Our effort is recognized by the UGC, which commended the University in a recent letter for further sharpening the use of its funding, encouraging innovations and interdisciplinary KT projects, and making use of its community projects for the benefits of the community. The UGC also applauded the University’s favourable performance in commercialization and exploitation of intellectual property rights. In the future, the University will continue to serve the communities locally and globally as a caring institution, and encourage and support its members to use their knowledge, skills and strengths to make the world a better place.