Annual Report 2010–11

51 基因跨組學創新研究院 中大與深圳華大基因研究院(華大) 成立「香港中文大學─華大基因跨組 學創新研究院」,並在 2011 年 7 月 18 日 於中大舉行成立典禮。 該研究院將結合中大與華大的科研實 力,致力培訓基因組學、蛋白質組學、 代謝學、臨床遺傳學、臨床基因組學、 電腦生物學及生物信息科學的人才, 開辦該等學科的基礎和碩士、博士等 高級課程,並開展研究項目及共建跨 組學聯合實驗室,以滿足人才培訓、 學術研究和生物技術研發的需求。 以上過去一年動工或落成的設施,新 成立的研究中心,有助促進大學的教 研活動更蓬勃和更多元化。這些點滴 累積的發展,猶如混凝土的砂石,聚 合起來成為基石,為大學日後繼續茁 壯成長提供強有力的支撐。 Innovation Institute of Trans-omics CUHK-BGI Innovation Institute of Trans-omics held its inauguration ceremony on 18 July 2011 on CUHK campus. Capitalizing on the research strengths in genomic science of CUHK and BGI, the institute will focus on the training of individuals in the areas of genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, clinical genetics, clinical genomics, computational biology and bioinformatics by developing basic and advanced education programmes, including master’s and doctoral programmes, in relevant fields. The institute will also enhance research collaboration and facilitate establishment of joint laboratories to meet the needs of expert training, academic research and biotechnology development. 
 The above-mentioned facilities and research centres can help to enhance the vibrancy and diversity of the University’s teaching and research activities. Like sand and gravel in concrete, these events add up, bit by bit, to form a solid foundation for the University’s future development and endeavours.