Annual Report 2010–11

62 獎學金及經濟資助 Scholarships and Financial Aid for Students 附錄三 Appendix III 2010 至 11 年度獎學金及經濟資助 Scholarships and Financial Aid 2010–11 獎項數目 Number of Awards 總金額 Total Amount ( 以百萬港元為單位) (in million of HK dollars) 政府助學金 Government Grants 3,216 108 政府貸款 Government Loans 2,134 64 本校頒發之獎學金 * University Scholarships* 5,410 116 本校頒發之經濟資助 # University Financial Aid # 4,110 18 * 包括由入學及學生資助處、書院及其他學系和部門發給學生的獎學金和各種獎項 Including scholarships, awards and prizes distributed through the Office of Admissions and Financial Aids (OAFA), Colleges and other academic/administrative units # 包括由入學及學生資助處、書院及其他學系和部門發給學生的助學金、貸款、學生工讀計劃及其他資助 Including bursaries, loans, awards under student campus work schemes and other subsidies distributed through OAFA, Colleges and other academic/administrative units ^ 不包括榮譽獎 Excluding honorary awards ^