Annual Report 2011–12

我 為中文大學全體成員及社會大眾 呈上本期《中大年報》,向大家報 告 2011 至 12 年度大學的政策、工作和成 就,詳情分見《年報》內各章。過去一年世 界局勢動盪不安,但大學仍沉穩而堅定地 向前邁進,制訂出長遠計劃,並完成預定 目標。中文大學能夠渡過驚濤駭浪,全憑 自信和堅定,而這種自信和堅定,乃源自 大學本身的雄厚實力──達成使命、完成 目標的能力。 中文大學在 1963 年根據相關條例成立, 已故李卓敏博士深孚眾望,膺任創校校長。 中大在草創之初,備受全球學術界矚目, 因為創辦這所學府是要達到一個明確而 獨特的目標──成為融合東方與西方, 保存過去又探索未來的大學。那些關心 中國文化前途,苦思它如何能與現代社會 契合的人,全都對本校寄以盼望與期待, 彷彿中文大學誕生,即肩負神聖使命── 弘揚中國燦爛思想傳統,使之與現代世界 的進步事物相得益彰地整合。 1630 年清教 徒領袖溫斯羅普曾借申馬太福音第五章第 十四節之義,以儆醒將與他一同定居美國 麻省的開拓者。借用溫斯羅普當時的說法, 中文大學猶如「山巔之城,受到所有人舉目 注視」。 I n this volume I present to all members of the University, as well as the community at large, an account of the policies, undertakings and achievements of The Chinese University of Hong Kong during the academic year 2011–12, the details of which make up the ensuing chapters. Despite the disturbances and uncertainties in the rest of the world, the University quietly and steadily progressed, working out its long- term plans and achieving its pre-determined objectives with success. The Chinese University has been able to navigate the rough seas with the confidence and certainty built upon its ability to fulfil its missions, and reaching its own targets and goals. The Chinese University of Hong Kong came into existence in 1963, with the enactment of the relevant ordinance and the installation of my venerable predecessor, the late Dr. Choh-ming Li, as the founding Vice-Chancellor. At the time the foundation of the Chinese University engaged the attention of the academic community all over the globe, for it was established for the unique and express purpose of bridging the gap between the East and the West, and preserving the past while exploring the future. The hopes and expectations of all concerned with the future of Chinese culture and its interaction with the modern society were focused upon us, as if the Chinese University, by its own nascence, has taken on a sacred trust to manifest the glory of China’s intellectual heritage, and to seek its beneficial integration with advancements of the modern world. The Chinese University was, in the words of the puritan leader John Winthrop as he admonished those who were about to settle with him in Massachusetts in 1630, and paraphrasing Matthew 5:14, a ‘city upon a hill—the eyes of all people are upon us.’ 思往憶舊 Remembrance of Times Past Remembrance of Times Past 3