Annual Report 2012–13

CUHK 50th Anniversary 21 The Professor To mark the 50th Anniversary of CUHK, the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre produced The Professor . This local production was a collaboration between two outstanding CUHK alumni in the field of drama; Candace Chong (Psychology, 1999), four-time winner of the Best Script Award by the Hong Kong Drama Awards, and Chan Cheuk- wai Octavian (Physics, 2004), winner of the Award for Young Artist of the Hong Kong Arts Development Awards. An exclusive performance of The Professor was staged on 31 August. The performance was well received by an audience of over 400, including alumni and university officers. The premiere was followed by more than 10 shows from 1 September, which won glowing reviews. The play reflects on the nature of university education, and examines the challenges faced by universities around the world, such as internationalization, specialization and commercialization. Fifty years is not a long span for a university. This is especially true when the Chinese University’s mission is to cross-fertilize the Chinese and Western academic and cultural traditions. This is a Herculean task, for which 50 years is barely a beginning. 校慶話劇 香港話劇團特別製作了校慶話劇《教授》, 誌慶中大創校五十周年。該劇編導均為中 大校友,導演陳焯威是物理系畢業生,曾獲 香港藝術發展獎「藝術優秀獎」;編劇莊梅 岩是心理學系畢業生,是四屆香港舞台劇獎 「最佳劇本」得主。 《教授》的校慶專場於 8 月 31 日假大會堂 劇院上演,吸引了四百多名資深校友及大 學主管人員到場欣賞,之後在 9 月 1 日起公 開演出,大獲好評。該劇以探討教育本質 為主題,帶出全球大學普遍面對的衝擊, 如大學教育「國際化」、「專才化」和「商 品化」。 五十年對大學來說,不算很長,特別是中文 大學自創校伊始就以促進中西學術文化交 流與融合為使命,就這種任重道遠的工作 而言,五十年也許是剛開始而已。 陳焯威(左)與莊梅岩 Chan Cheuk-wai Octavian (left) and Candace Chong