Annual Report 2012–13

Pushing Knowledge Frontiers 23 成立五十年的中文大學,從草創之初就十分 注重研究。創校校長李卓敏很早就說:「世 界上沒有一所高等學府,能夠單靠本科四年 的教讀,不着重研究工作,而成為一所名符 其實的大學。」他認為大學的成就,一方面 靠畢業生的品質和他們在社會上的表現, 另一方面就靠老師在學問上高深的研究。 因此,由教師至學生,努力不懈研究以創造 知識、貢獻社會,是中大五十年來的傳統。 過去一年,中大師生也承傳了這個傳統,多 項研究結出豐碩成果。 治療小腦萎縮症 小腦是人腦中負責控制運動功能和協調的 區域,小腦萎縮症患者身體會逐漸喪失活 動能力,難以保持平衡或協調日常動作。生 命科學學院陳浩然教授帶領其科研團隊, 發現負責傳送儲存在 DNA (脫氧核糖核 酸)內遺傳信息和將蛋白質合成的 RNA (核 Since its inception, CUHK has set great store by research. Its Founding Vice-Chancellor Li Choh-ming once said, ‘No university deserving its name can afford to devote itself mainly to undergraduate teaching with no great emphasis on research.’ He believed that a university derives its strength from two sources: one is the quality and performance of its graduates in the community, the other is its faculties’ research and original contribution to knowledge. Thus, for 50 years, teachers and students of the University have committed themselves to serving the community by generating new knowledge. This tradition is epitomized by a number of research results in the year under view. In Search of the Cure for Spinocerebellar ataxias Spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs) is a group of genetic diseases that leads to the progressive deterioration of the cerebellum, which is the region of the brain responsible for motor control and coordination. Sufferers will lose the ability to move their bodies over time, have difficulty maintaining balance or coordinating basic daily movements. Prof. Chan Ho-yin Edwin in the CUHK School of Life Sciences and his research 開拓人類知識的版圖 Pushing Knowledge Frontiers 陳浩然教授(左)與博士生蔡浩 Prof. Chan Ho-yin Edwin (left) and his PhD student Mr. Frankie H. Tsoi