Annual Report 2012–13

Development Milestones 45 在2012至13年度,中文大學繼往開來,再 成立多個研究中心和建成新的教研設施, 以利教學與研究工作的開展。 余宇康余雷覺雲腹膜透析研究中心 醫學院獲內科及藥物治療學系名譽教授余 宇康教授及其夫人余雷覺雲女士慨贈逾 七百萬元,供該系腎科設立余宇康余雷覺 雲腹膜透析研究中心。支票捐贈儀式 於 2012 年 8 月 23 日舉行,由余宇康伉儷、 沈祖堯校長、醫學院院長霍泰輝教授及 內科及藥物治療學系腎科主任李錦滔教授 主禮。 During the academic year 2012–13, the Chinese University had established a number of new research centres and facilities to support its teaching and research activities. Peritoneal Dialysis Research Centre The Faculty of Medicine received a generous donation of over HK$7 million from Prof. Yu Yue-hong Richard, honorary professor of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, and his wife, Mrs. Carol Yu to support the Nephrology Division of the department to establish the Carol and Richard Yu Peritoneal Dialysis Research Centre. A cheque presentation ceremony was held on 23 August 2012. Professor Yu, Mrs. Yu, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice- Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Dean of Faculty of Medicine; and Prof. Philip K.T. Li, chief of the Nephrology Division, officiated at the ceremony. 發展里程 Development Milestones