Annual Report 2013–14

People During the year under review, the Chinese University went into mourning upon the passing of two of its most esteemed benefactors and friends. Sir Q.W. Lee, past Chairman of the University Council, one of the founding fathers of CUHK and long-term benefactor, left us in August 2013. Sir Run Run Shaw, known to all in the University as the endower of Shaw College and donor of many key buildings on campus, departed this life in January 2014. Both gentlemen were grandees of Hong Kong, and were dear to our hearts for their lifelong friendship and genuine affection for the Chinese University. In 2013–14 there were relatively few movements in the upper echelons of the University administration. Prof. Xu Yangsheng stepped down from his post as Pro-Vice-Chancellor upon appointment as the first President of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen). Prof. Shun Kwong-loi relinquished the post of Head of New Asia College and was succeeded by Prof. Henry Wong. Mr. Terence Chan, University Bursar, retired and was succeeded by Mrs. Salome Chan. I wish to put on record my deep appreciation, which no doubt is shared by all colleagues who have worked with them, of the contribution of Professor Xu, Professor Shun and Mr. Chan, and wish them every happiness and success in their new endeavours. Concluding Thoughts It is never an easy task to be at the helm of a modern university, and when I first approached the job, the familiar lines from The Book of Poetry , ‘We should be apprehensive and careful, as if we were on the brink of a deep gulf, as we were treading on thin ice,’ did recur in my mind. However, the trust of the Council and the support from colleagues, students, alumni and the community at large have, over these several years, enhanced my joy and gave me great hope to continue as the helmsman of this most noble and worthy institution, and it is with the same joy and hope that I look into the future, and commend you to my fourth report as Vice-Chancellor and President of the University. 人物 在本年度,兩位備受中大人尊崇的贊 助者和摯友溘然長逝,大學深感悲 慟。在2013年8月離世的前校董會主 席利國偉爵士,是中大創校先賢,長 期為大學提供協助和指導。邵逸夫爵 士在2014年1月謝世,他捐助成立逸 夫書院,中大校園許多重要建築物也 是由他捐資建設,其芳名全校無人 不耳熟能詳。這兩位香港德高望重的 耆宿,畢生與中大情誼深厚,愛護良 多,對此我們銘感於心。 在2013至14年,大學管理層變動不 大。徐揚生教授卸下副校長職務,轉 為出任香港中文大學(深圳)首任校 長。信廣來教授辭任新亞書院院長, 由黃乃正教授接替。大學財務長陳鎮 榮先生榮休,由陳林月萍女士接任。 徐教授、信教授、陳先生任內貢獻良 多,我感篆五中,曾與他們共事者, 諒必深有同感。在此謹致謝忱,並祝 他們新的生活愉快和美滿。 卷尾語 現代大學的校務千頭萬緒,擔任校長 從來不是簡單之事,我最初接掌這工 作時,幾句《詩經》中的熟悉句子 不時浮現腦海:「戰戰兢兢,如臨深 淵,如履薄冰。」然而,過去幾年校 董會對我的信任,還有同事、學生、 校友和社會各界的支持,遂令我樂此 不疲,並懷有更大希望,繼續忝任這 所優秀學府的校長;我也懷着同樣的 喜悅和希望展望未來,並呈上我擔任 中大校長任內的第四份報告。 2014年12月 December 2014 9