Annual Report 2013–14

開拓人類知識的版圖 Pushing Knowledge Frontiers 中 文大學矢志成為區內頂尖的研究 型大學,認為校內學術人員的重 要責任之一是從事研究,並以研究成果 促進其教學工作。本校致力羅致研究人 才,為他們提供資源和機會,以創造、 保存和傳播知識。研究涉及的範圍廣 泛,成果卓越,希望能夠影響學院以外 的社會,為世界面臨的一些迫切問題尋 找解決方法,以令世界變得更美好。 研發穿梭體內的微型機械 機械與自動化工程學系張立教授與韓 國大邱慶北科學技術院及瑞士蘇黎世 聯邦理工學院的研究人員合作,成功 研發一款以磁力操控的微型機械裝置, 可穿梭於人體內,預計將來可精準傳 送細胞及藥物至人體的特定部位作靶 向治療,以及協助細胞組織再生, 使無線操控微型醫療機械的發展邁進 重要一步。 微型機械的發展涉及機械電子學、材 料科學、生物科學、控制及自動化等 多種前沿學科的知識。該裝置長度 只約一百微米,厚約四十微米,即約 一條髮絲的半徑,要在其上裝設馬達 等機電零件,驅動它在人體血管或液 體中前行,近乎不可能。研究人員發 現以磁場控制這種無線驅動模式是 可行方法,所以在裝置塗上鎳。而為 了確保體內應用的生物穩定相容性, 塗層也加進了鈦。 T he Chinese University recognizes research and research-led teaching as primary responsibilities of its academic staff and strives to be one of the leading research universities in the region by uniting people, securing resources, and offering opportunities for the creation, preservation and transmission of knowledge. Internationally renowned for the diversity and quality of its research, CUHK hopes that the research we do here has real-world impact beyond academia. We are searching for solutions to some of the world’s most pressing problems, so that we can make it better. Microrobot inside the Body Prof. Zhang Li of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, in collaboration with researchers from the Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology, Korea; and ETH Zurich, Switzerland, has innovated a new magnetically manipulated microrobot capable of transporting an appropriate volume of cells and therapeutic drugs to specific areas of the human body — a great leap forward in the development of wirelessly-controlled medical microrobots. The development of microrobot requires interdisciplinary knowledge, including mechatronics, materials science, biology, control and automation, etc. The device — with 100 microns in length and 40 in width — is as tiny as the radius of the cross-section of a strand of hair. It is almost impossible to install mechatronic components such as a motor. Researchers found that utilizing magnetic fields to actuate the robot, which is coated with nickel for magnetic actuation, and with titanium to ensure biocompatibility for possible in vivo applications in blood vessels or bodily fluids is a promising method. 19