Annual Report 2014–15

時 代不斷變化,社會有不同的發 展,需要的人才也隨之不同。 中文大學致力培養適當的人才,以滿 足社會的需求。在2014至15年度, 大學增設自然科學理學士主修課程, 另外增設商務分析副修課程。課堂之 外,中大還有協助學生了解和體驗各 行業工作情況的實習計劃,以及培養 他們創意和創業能力的新舉措。 自然科學理學士課程 中大在2014至15年度推出自然科學理 學士課程,以銜接本地副學士和高級 文憑課程,令有志學習科學的年輕人 能繼續進修。此課程由理學院開辦, 由其轄下六個涵蓋廣泛學科的學術單 位支援,致力以嚴格的科學訓練,令 學生既深且廣地學習所選專修範圍內 的知識,並培養他們以社會進步和福 祉為己任的態度和價值觀。 這個為期兩年的全日制課程得到大學 教育資助委員會(教資會)資助,由 中大理學院十二個本科課程支援,包 括:生物化學、生物學、細胞分子生 物學、化學、地球系統科學、環境科 學、食品及營養科學、數學、分子生 物技術學、物理、風險管理科學及 統計學。課程分為生命科學、數學科 學及物理科學三個專修範圍。畢業生 的工作機會很廣泛,例如研究員、 教師、藥廠或儀器公司的營業代表、 統計師、保險精算師、財務分析員及 電腦程式設計員等。 T hroughout the years the University has endeavoured to provide a wide variety of programmes to meet the changing needs of society. In 2014–15, CUHK introduced one major and one minor programmes. They are the Bachelor of Science Programme in Natural Sciences and the Minor Programme in Business Analytics. The University also strives to help its students learn beyond the confines of classrooms. Its internship programme allows them to gain first-hand experience about a particular industry or field of work. It also launched a new initiative to stimulate creativity and entrepreneurship among its students. Bachelor of Science Programme in Natural Sciences In response to rising needs of the number of sub-degree holders’ pursuit of an undergraduate degree in science, CUHK accepted the first intake of students to the Bachelor of Science programme in Natural Sciences programme in 2014–15. Administered by the Faculty of Science with the full support of six academic units covering a wide range of science disciplines, the programme strives to provide a rigorous training in science so that graduates will have acquired broad knowledge in science and in-depth knowledge across several science subjects in a concentration area, and developed attitudes and values with a view to contributing to the advancement and betterment of society. Funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC), the Natural Sciences programme builds on the strengths of 12 existing undergraduate programmes of the Faculty of Science, namely, biochemistry, biology, cell and molecular biology, chemistry, earth system science, environmental science, food and nutritional sciences, mathematics, molecular biotechnology, physics, risk management science, and statistics. It includes three concentration areas, which are life sciences, mathematical sciences, and physical sciences. Graduates of the programme can look forward to a large variety of career opportunities, such as researchers, teachers, sales representatives in pharmaceutical companies or laboratory equipment companies, statisticians, actuaries, financial analysts, and programmers. 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2014 – 2015 11