Annual Report 2014–15

世 界上出色的研究型大學都有一 些共同特點。它們都關注本地 和全球社會的新需要和迫切問題,並 以自己的研究來滿足這些需要和解決 問題。在2014至15年度,中文大學 一如以往,繼續成為創新與研究的樞 紐,致力在這聯繫日益緊密的世界, 為不同的社會和地區帶來長遠裨益。 中大研究人員和學生矢志以世界級的 研究造福人類社會。 破解男性不育之謎 醫學院上皮細胞生物學研究中心與深 圳市第二人民醫院聯合進行一項有關 男性不育的研究,生理學講座教授 兼上皮細胞生物學研究中心主任陳小 章教授領導的最新研究發現,因精子 活動能力較弱或生殖道出現感染而 不育的男士,其精子上的β-防禦素 (DEFB1)含量較生育能力正常的 男士為低。研究亦證實,正常精子在 DEFB1受干擾的情況下,其精子的活 動和殺菌能力會下降。 研究還指出,重組DEFB1治療可大幅 改善DEFB1的活性、殺菌能力、精子 質素和穿透卵子的能力。換句話說, 是項發現為相關的男士不育問題提出 了可行的藥物治療方案。有關研究成 果在2014年8月發表於《科學轉換醫 學》。 O utstanding research universities around the world share some common characteristics. They are responsive to the emerging needs and pressing problems of local and global communities with their research endeavours. In the academic year 2014–15, CUHK continued to build on its legacy as a hub of innovation and research with activities focused on making lasting impacts for communities and regions across an increasingly connected world. CUHK researchers and students strive to conduct world-class research that can bring about an improvement in people’s lives. Clues to Male Infertility Led by Prof. Chan Hsiao-chang, director of the Epithelial Cell Biology Research Centre and Professor of Physiology, CUHK, a collaborative research conducted by the centre and the Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital found that the amount of deficient human b -defensin-1 (DEFB1) in sperm from infertile men exhibiting either genital tract infection or reduced sperm motility is much lower than that in normal fertile sperm. Interference with DEFB1 function also decreases both motility and bactericidal activity in normal sperm. The study further demonstrates that treatment with recombinant DEFB1 markedly restores DEFB1 expression, bactericidal activity, sperm quality, and egg-penetrating ability in sperm from infertile patients with the above-mentioned conditions, suggesting a feasible therapeutic approach for related male infertility. The finding has recently been published in Science Translational Medicine in August 2014. 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2014 – 2015 21