Annual Report 2014–15
6•9•2014 醫學院首次為新入學的醫科生舉行「白袍典禮」 The Faculty of Medicine holds its inaugural ‘White Coat Ceremony’ for medical freshmen 6•9•2014 中醫學院為名新入學中醫學生舉行首屆「白袍慶典」 The School of Chinese Medicine hosts its inaugural ‘White Coat Ceremony’ 12•10•2013 醫學院首次為新入學的醫科生舉行「白袍典禮」 The Faculty of Medicine holds its inaugural ‘White Coat Ceremony’ for medical freshmen 24•9•2014 中醫學院為新入學中醫學生舉行首屆「白袍慶典」 The School of Chinese Medicine hosts its inaugural ‘White Coat Ceremony’ 10 October 16•10•2014 2010年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主皮薩里德斯教授於中大演講 Sir Christopher A. Pissarides, 2010 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences, speaks at CUHK 9 September 18•10•2014 本科生入學資訊日,吸引近五萬五千人參加 The Orientation Day for Undergraduate Admissions draws 55,000 visitors to the campus
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