Annual Report 2014–15

香港中文大學社會工作學系副系主任及副教授林靜雯教授 Prof. Lam Ching-man, Vice Chairperson & Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 北京大學–香港理工大學漢語語言學研究中心管理委員會主任陳瑞端教授 Prof. Chan Shui-duen, Chief, Administration Committee, The HK PolyU-PKU Research Centre on Chinese Linguistics 香港青年協會副總幹事馮丹媚女士 Ms. Fung Dun-mi Amy, Deputy Executive Director, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups 渣打銀行(香港) 有限公司香港區公司管治及策劃推動主管譚何錦文女士 Mrs. Tam Ho Kum-man Bethy, Head, Governance & Strategic Initiatives, Hong Kong 行政長官社區服務獎狀 Chief Executive’s Commendation for Community Service 聯繫有限公司主席鄭承峰博士 Dr. Cheng Shing-fung, Chairman, Imperial Business Communications Ltd. 行政長官公共服務獎狀 Chief Executive’s Commendation for Government/Public Service 政府飛行服務隊高級行動機師鄧成東機長 Captain Tang Sing-tung Ardis, Senior Line Pilot, Government Flying Service Operations 農圃道官立小學校長周金惠玲女士 Mrs. Chow Kam Wai-ling, Principal, Farm Road Government Primary School 前香港電台電視部公共事務組總監蔡貞停女士 Ms. Choi Ching-ting Clara, Former Head, Current and Public Affairs(TV), Radio Television Hong Kong 全球校友網絡 Alumni NetworkWorldwide 本地校友組織數目 Number of Local Alumni Associations 80 海外校友組織數目 Number of Overseas Alumni Associations 41 重要數字 Quick Facts 畢業人次 Number of Graduates 179,821 《中大校友》雜誌每季發行量 Number of CU Alumni Magazine Sent Each Quarter 104,000 《中大校友電子月報》讀者人數 Number of Subscribers of Alumni Matters 89,780 66 附錄 Appendices