Annual Report 2015–16

We prepare our students for lifewide and lifelong success through whole-person education. General Education Accorded International Attention In the year under review, the General Education Foundation Programme of the University earned for itself the 2015 Exemplary Program Award for Improving General Education by the Association for General and Liberal Studies (AGLS) based in the US. The AGLS is dedicated to strengthening general and liberal studies programmes at universities across the US, and CUHK is the first-ever university outside of the States being selected for the award. The General Education Foundation Programme was praised for its commitment to continuously improve teaching and learning approaches in general education based on student needs and learning outcomes. General education has been an integral part of the University’s education since its early days, and its curriculum is regularly reviewed. In 2012, in tandem with the transition to a four- year undergraduate curriculum, a new General Education Foundation Programme was introduced with an emphasis on common learning experience, the study of classics and peer discussion. The programme is designed to take students on an expedition to the world of science and knowledge, and on a quest for the ideal life and society. 大學重視學生的全面發展,使他們在 不同領域和人生階段都能應付裕如。 通識教育得國際獎項 在過去一年,大學通識教育部獲美國 Association for General and Liberal Studies 頒發「 2015 年度通識教育改 革傑出計劃獎」。該組織旨在促進美 國大學之通識及博雅教育,而中大為 首間獲得其獎項之海外大學。 該會讚賞中大通識教育基礎課程能 因應學生的學習需要及成果,持續 改善內容及教學方法,值得其他院校 借鏡。 自中大創校以來,通識教育一向是 其教育重要的一環,其課程常有更新 以適應社會發展。 2012 年,為配合四 年制本科課程,大學推行通識教育 基礎課程,以共同學習、閱讀古典、 堂上討論等為特色,幫助學生探索 科學及知識的領域,塑造理想生活 和社會。 全人教育 Whole-person Development 16 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2015–2016