Annual Report 2015–16

在過去一年,中大各學科與研究單位的成 員,或靠個人奮勉,或靠群策群力,令大學 繼續履行其基本使命,即創造、應用和傳播 研究所得的知識,成就不勝枚舉,這一節試 著略述一二。 In the year under review, thanks to the individual and collective efforts of its members in the many academic disciplines and research hubs, CUHK was able to largely fulfil its core mission of creating, applying and disseminating knowledge by research. In the following pages, only a cursory review of a few of these meaningful and magnificent feats and achievements can be attempted. 精研憑格物 推陳以致知 R esearch — Pushing Knowledge Frontiers 27