Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 1 Jun 1964
Dr. Chien Mu, the Pro- Vice-Chancellor and the Vice- Chancellor (from l. to r.) at the S ta ff Reception, Y.M .C .A . Dr. Franklin E. Folts, Professor Emeritus of Industrial Management at Harvard University arrived in Hong Kong to advise the Vice-Chancellor on the possibility of estab- lishing an Institute of Business Administration in the University. Dr. Folts was one of two consultants who came to Hong Kong from the U.S.A. under the sponsor- ship of the Trustees of the Lingnan University. April 2 , 1964 T h e University authorities revealed the Development Plan for the future site at Ma Liu Shiu. April 20, 1964 Dr. Robert I. Chien, the other consultant on the establishing of an Institute of Business Administration, arrived in Hong Kong with his wife. April 23, 1964 Th e Vice-Chancellor held a tea reception for the teach- ing and administrative staff of the three Foundation Colleges at the Y.M.C.A. in Salisbury Road. During the reception, the Vice-Chancellor spoke on the organizations and purposes of the Teaching Method Committee, the Inter-Collegiate Teaching Committee and the Academic Planning Committee. Ap ril 25, 1964 T h e Vice-Chancellor held a tea party at the Grantham Training College for all students of the three Foundation Colleges. A p ril 29, 1964 Mr. H. T . Wu, Registrar of the University, was invited by the Research Council of the Kai Fong Associations to its monthly dinner at the Nathan Hotel, Kowloon. Mr. Wu mentioned the importance of gaining the confidence of the international academic world in the standard of the University, and expressed the hope that the public would view its degree examination arrangements with understanding. May 7, 1964 A list of 17 External Examiners for the forthcoming degree examination was announced. (See External Examiners.) May 6 , 1964 T h e Chinese University of Hong Kong (Amendment) Bill, 1964 was tabled in the Legislative Council. It requests an increase from two to four members from universities or educational organizations outside Hong Kong to be nominated to the Council of the Chinese University. ED I TO R ' S NO T E T h e University Bulletin is to be published monthly and in all months of the year. Principally, the Bulletin is meant for internal circulation, for the faculty and staff of the University and the three Foundation Colleges, and for all those who are interested in the development and affairs of the University, Th e Bulletin is published under the supervision of the University Editorial Board, with the members of the Board, Dr. Andrew Roy, Mr. Su Ming-hsuan and Mr. N. H. Young, serving as advisers. Mr. Fang Hsin Hou of Chung Chi, Mr. Liu T su Ru of United and Mr. W. M. Yu of New Asia are correspondents of respective colleges. Dr. C. C. Liang of Central Office and Mr. Edmund Worthy of New Asia help in reading the final copies. Due to the lack of space in the June issue, the intro duction of personalities and many other items will appear in July. Deadline is set on the 15th of the previous month. T h e Editorial Board fully realizes that we are pioneering a new publication, and we would welcome suggestions, criticisms of any kind from the readers in order to formu- late editorial policy and to improve the contents of the Bulletin. P r in t e d b y C a t h a y P res s , 31 W o n g C h u k H a n g R o a d , H o n g K o n g , f o r t h e C h in e s e U n iv e r s it y o f H o n g K o n g 12
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