Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 2 Jul 1964

Latest Publications: 'Some Trends in Twentieth Century EnglishLiterature', The Chung Chi Journal, Vol. I , No. 1 (July 1961). ‘The ‘‘L -N -R Problem" for Cantonese speakers of English’’ The EnglishBulletin (January 1964). ‘A Contrastive Analysis of the Sounds and Structures of Cantonese and English', Journal of Linguistic Studies. Prof. Hsu Bay-sung, Physics Education and Experiences: National Chaotung University, Shanghai, China, 1948-1949. National Taiwan University, Taipei, China, 1949-1950. Manchester College of Science and Technology, University of Manchester, 1951-1954, B.Sc.’ Ph.D. Technical Assistant at the production plant of Etablisse- ments B. & P. Dewavrin, Tourcoing’ France, 1952. Research Assistant in the Research and Development Laboratories of Cassella Farbwerke Mainkur A .G .’ Frankfurt, Germany, 1953. Research scholar in polymer physics in the University of Manchester, 1954-1957. Research scholar, Royal College of Science and Technology, Glasgow, 1957-1958; Research physicist, 1958-1960; Senior physicist, 1960-1964. Latest Publications: 'L igh t Scattering and Pore Surface in Paper under Dynamic Compression', British Journal of Applied Physics, 1964. Dynamic Flexural Rigidity Apparatus w ith Electro- static Excitation', Journal of Scientific Instruments, 1964. 'Dynamic Bending Properties of Fibers' and 'Theory of Lateral Vibration of Viscelastic Bars', Journal of Polymer Science’ 1962. Prof. L i Hui-lin’ Biology Education and Experiences: Soochow University, China, 1930, B.Sc. Yenching University, China, 1932, M.Sc. Harvard University, U.S.A., 1942, Ph.D. Instructor, Soochow University, China, 1931-40. Technical Assistant, Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, U .S .A ., 1941-43. Research Associate, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, U.S.A., 1945-46. Professor, Soochow University, China, 1946-47. Professor, Head of the Department and Director of the Research Institute of Botany, National Taiwan University, Formosa, 1947-50. Taxonomist, Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A., 1952 -. Associate Professor of Botany, University of Pennsyl­ vania, U.S.A., 1 9 5 6 - , Professor, 1 964 -. Latest Publications: 'The Chinese species of Linaria (Scrophulariaceae)’, Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. N.S. 3: 205-208. 1962. 'Hardy species of Callicarps', Morris Arb. Bull. 14: 3-7. 1963. 'General relationships among plants and their alkaloids’’ Econ. Bot. 17: 180-185. 1963 (with J. J. Willaman). 'The cultivated Mahonias ' , Morris Arb. Bull. 14:43-50. 1963. The Origin and Cultivation of Shade and Ornamental Trees, Univ. of Penn. Press. Philadelphia. 282 pp. 1963. Woody Flora of Taiwan. The Morris Arboretum, Philadelphia. 174 pp. 1963. Prof. Ling Chih-bing、Mathematics Education and Experiences: National Chao-tung University, Shanghai, 1931, B.S. Imperial College of Science and Technology, London University, London, 1937, D .I.C . London University, London, 1937, Ph.D. (aeronautics). London University, London, 1959, D.Sc. (applied mathematics and elasticity). Visiting Scholar, Ouggenheim Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, 1946-48. Assistant of Physics, National Chao-tung University, Shanghai, 1931-34. Instructor and Research Officer, Aeronautical Labora­ tory, Chengtu, 1938-45. Professor, College of Science and Engineering, National Szechuan University, Chengtu, Szechuan, 1943-45. Senior Research Officer, Aeronautical Laboratory, Taichung. Part time Professor of Mathematics, Christian Tunghai University, Taichung, 1949-55. Elected Member of Academia Sinica, Taiwan. Research Fellow, Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Taipei. Part time Professor of Mathematics, Graduate Schools, National Tsing-Hwa University and National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan, 1956-61. Visiting Professor of Mathematics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A., 1961-62. National-Council-Chair-Professor of Mathematics, Aca- demia Sinica, Taiwan. Part-time Professor, Graduate School, National Taiwan University, 1963. Latest Publications: 'Evaluation at half periods of Weierstrass’ elliptic function w ith rectangular prim itive period parallelo- gram'. Mathematics of Computation’ Vol. 14, No. 69, (1960), pp. 67-70. 'Stresses in a circular cylinder having an infinite row of spherical cavities under tension', (Discussion on Atsumi's paper). Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 27’ (1960), pp. 753-754. 4