Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 2 Jul 1964

1. The vacancies were advertised in local newspapers as well as newspapers in some Commonwealth countries. The information were also circulated in some major American universities. 2. Applications received were given a preliminary screening by the Vice-Chancellor and the three College Presidents. 3. The University Council then authorised the Association of Commonwealth Universities to ap- point two different External Assessors— in England —to study the applications for each chair, 4. Upon receiving the reports of the External Assessors, the Academic Planning Committee (APC), consist- ing of the Vice-Chancellor and the three College Presidents, studied the recommendations and deter- mined the assignment of the post to which of the Foundation Colleges, 5. A Board of Advisors was then instituted to consider the recommendation of the APC. The Board of Advisors constitutes nine members: the Vice- Chancellor, the President of the College to which the post is assigned, one member from the University Council, one member appointed by the Board of Governors of the College to which the post is assigned, two members of the University Senate (represented, up to now, by the presidents of the two other colleges), one member nominated by the Academic Board o f the College to which the post is assigned, and two external experts. 6. A fter approval by the Board of Advisors, the recommendation was then communicated to the University Council for confirmation. PROFESSORS ELEVEN On May 26 , the University Council approved recom­ mendations of Boards of Advisors on the appointment of eleven chairs of professorship. Five of the appointees are presently teaching in the Foundation Colleges: two are from universities in the United States, two from universities in Taiwan, one from the United Nations and one from a marketing research centre in the United States. The following are brief introductions of the eleven appointees: Prof. Chen Cheng-siang, Geography Education and Experiences: National Central University, China, 1937-1941. University of Liverpool, 1944-1945. University of Sydney, Australia, 1946-1947. National Tohoku University, Japan, 1961, D.Sc. Assistant, Department of Geography, College of Science, National Central University, 1941-1944. Assistant Research Fellow, Graduate School, College of Science, National Central University, 1944-1945. Associate Professor, College of Agriculture, National Taiwan University, 1947-1953. Professor of Agricultural Geography and Social Geography, National Taiwan University, 1953- . Director, Fu-M in Geographical Institute of Economic Development, Official Agency of International Geographical Union, 1951- . Latest Publications: ‘The Urbanization in Taiwan 1900-1960; Abstracts of Papers', International Geographical Congress、 48 , Stockholm, 1960. 'The Economic Development and Geographical Changes in Taiwan', Hermann von Wissmann-Festschrift, pp. 238-257, University of Tubingen, Germany, 1962, ‘Taiwan—an Economic and Social Geography', in English in 2 volumes, Research Report No. 96, Fu-M in Geographical Institute of Economic Develop- ment, 1,360 pages, w ith 224 plates and 387 original maps, 1963. ‘The Changing Economy of Post-War Taiwan.' It w ill be published in the Volume of Abstracts and also the Proceedings of the 20th International Geographical Union by the Royal Geographical Society, London. ‘China—A Cultural and Regional Geography', in English in 3 volumes (in press). Prof. Robert I. Chien、Business Administration Education and Experiences: National Southwest Associated University, China, 1944’ LL .B . University of Denver, 1947 (Business Administration), M .B.A . University of Minnesota, 1953 (Statistics), M .A. University of Minnesota, 1953 (Economics and Market­ ing), Ph.D., 'A Study of Tung O il: Its Demand and Price’ 一 Doctorial Dissertation. Instructor in Economics and Statistics, University of Minnesota, 1949-1951. Lecturer, Marketing Research, Wayne State University, 1956-1957. Sneior Market Research Analyst, Michigan Alkali Division, Wyandotte Chemical -Corporation, 1951- 1954. ‘ Manager, Marketing Research, Michigan Alkali D iv i­ sion, Wyandotte Chemical Corporation, 1954-1957. Director of Marketing Research, G. D. Searle & Co., 1957- . Latest Publications: 'Effect of General Business Conditions on Industry and Company Sales', Marketing Research in Action, 'Chlorine and Caustic Soda: Harmony Ahead', Chemical Engineering. 'Correlation Analysis', Chemical Engineering Progress. 2