Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 12 Jun 1965

T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T Y BULLETIN V O L U M E O N E • J U N E 1 9 6 5 • N U M B E R T W E L V E C O N T E N T S Page Exchange Programme w i th California 1 Mass Communicatio n Centre and Department o f Journalism 1 Department of Mu s ic 2 T e n t h Inaugural Address 2 Graduate Fellowshi p at Berkeley 3 Second Me e t i ng w i th School Representatives.. 3 Senior Lecturers 3 Lecturers 4 New University Staff 5 College Report s 5 EXCHANGE PROGRAMME W I TH CAL I FORNIA T h e University has signed an exchange agreement w i t h the University of California, one of the largest and most renowned universities of the world, to take effect i n the coming academic year. T h e agreement will allow undergraduate and graduate students of the University t o attend any of the campuses of the University of California for degrees w i th waiver of the entire tuition, subject to the recommendation of the Chinese University and the California representative in H o n g K o n g and to admission by the University of California. A similar waiver will also be available to faculty members of the Chinese University. T h e Universit y of California has seven major campuses and a total enrolment o f nearly 70,000 students. T h e President, D r . Clark Ke r r, is a member of the Chinese University Council. For the academic year 1965-66, not more than five undergraduate student s and four graduate fellows of the University of California w i ll be enrolled for one year of studies in one or more of the Colleges of the Chinese University. O f the four graduate fellows, t wo w i l l be in their advanced stage for the candidacy of the Ph . D. degree before coming to Ho ng Ko n g. For bot h undergraduates and graduates, the wo rk done here at the Chinese University w i ll be recognized as partial fulfilment of the requirements for their degrees by the University of California. T w o faculty members of the University of California w i ll come to teach, supervise research or assume administrative responsibilities fo r one year. " T h e exchange programme w i ll be a mutually enriching association and a recognition of the academic standard o f the Chinese University in other parts of the world. T h is programme, subject to modification in detail f r om year to year, shall serve as a basis for a continuing affiliation serving to strengthen the academic programmes of the two universities, ” said the "Vice-Chancellor in the announcement. T h e agreement received the approval of the University Council o n A p r i l 20 and has been signed by the Secretary of the Council (Registrar) on behalf of the University . MASS COMMUN I CAT I ON CENTRE AND DEPARTMENT OF JOURNAL ISM Beginning f r om September, 1965, an undergraduate Department of Journalism w i ll be established in N ew Asia College. T h e new department wile operate in conjunction w i t h the Mass Communications Centre wh i ch is a u n it w i t h in the Institute of Social Studies and the Humanities of the University. T h e Department w i ll be an undergraduate professional department in the same category as Social Wo rk and such other new professional departments as may be instituted. T h e Department w i ll not offer first and second year courses. Enrolment for the t h i rd and fourth year courses w i ll be open to students of the three constituent Colleges of the University on an equal competitive basis.