Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 1 Jul 1965

T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T Y V O L U M E T W O • J U L Y I 9 6 5 • N U M B E R O N E C O N T E N T S Medical Schemes ................................................... 1 Comm ittee on In te r-U n iv e rsity Relations ... 2 Social Wo rk S cholarships ................................ 2 Senior L ectu rers .................................................. 3 L ecturers ............................................................ 3 N ew University Staff ......................................... 4 Com ings and Goings ......................................... 5 College Reports ................................................... 7 W .U .S . Staff T ra in in g Fellowships ............. 8 MEDICAL SCHEMES Beginning on July 1, 1965, the University will imp lem en t a medical scheme to give free consultation and medicine to all students of the University. No extra charges will be collected from students to cover the cost of the scheme. T h e matter of giving medical services to the students, staff and their d ependants has been given serious consideration since the summ e r of 1964. Plans of various aspects were studied by an ad hoc Comm ittee appointed by the Council, w ith M r. Q .W. Lee, U n i versity T reasu rer, as chairman and many senior staff m em b ers of the three Colleges as members. T h e intention was, as the rep o rt stated, ‘‘to give full medical coverage to the entire staff and the stu d en ts". However, because of the present physical separation of the three Colleges and the Central Office, an in terim scheme has been presented and has received the approval of the University Council. T h is interim scheme, slightly different in adm inistra tion from one college to another b u t uniform in general principles, offers free annual examinations, consulta tions and medicines to all students from the college- appointed physician. T h e scheme does not include hospitalization and specialist care. T h e same principle of free consultation and medicine also applies to all m inor staff and their dependents in th e Central office and the Colleges. F o r teaching, administrative, clerical and technical staff and th eir dependents, a scheme based on partial subsidy has been adopted as an interim measure. T h e following are the College schemes and the one to be adopted by the University Central Office:— Chung Chi College C h u n g Chi has a clinic and an infirmary built with private funds before the establishment of the U n i­ versity. T h e building has a consultation room ; treatm en t ro om ; small laboratory and store room ; waiting room ; women's ward (3 beds); M e n 's ward (3 beds); isolation room (1 b e d ) ; and doctor's quarters (2 rooms, kitchen and bath). On the salaried staff, the college has a physician, a nurse and an attendant. T h e services offered will continue to include: (a) Students: Checking of medical certificates of entering students and re-examination if necessary ; examination of all resident students (compulsory), twice a year; supervision and follow-up of X- ray prog ramm e (G o v ernm en t mobile u n it ) ; free consultation service ; medicines free if prescribed by College Physician ; free inocula tions against cholera, typhoid, poliomyelitis, etc. (b) Teaching and Administrative S ta ff and their Dependents: free consultation service; inex pensive medicines free; prescriptions for ex pensive medicines ; free inoculations against cholera and typhoid. (c) Minor Staff: pre-emp lo ym en t examination of all m inor staff; special laboratory tests for Canteen staff; free consultation serv ice ; free medicines; free inoculations. New Asia College T h e S cheme is based on a contractual agreement w ith a qualified medical practitioner appointed by the College. BULLETIN