Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 3 Oct 1965

interested in what I do and I in what they do. I do not see why only professional people should have this basic ground for mutual interest. There should be comparable one, or ones of some character or other, for all humans. A ny way in wh i ch we ca n encourage such mu t ual interest is of great importance. Wh at I am getting at is that our education abroad program provides a means of developing the understanding and mutual interest I speak of. Perhaps we can't reall y do very much in terms of the immensity of the task but in dealing w i th intellectually able people we have the possibility of developing leadership in such matters so that our efforts and yours will serve a s prime examples of the mu t ual benefit we can accumulate f r om close contact. I n our particular relationship here at H o ng Ko n g, we want for our part to learn as mu ch as we can of your people, of your aspirations and hopes, of your expectations, of your needs, of your culture. We hope that our experience w i l l provide some measure of tangible help in the development o f your university right here and that our mutually organized plan w i ll provide further experience for your young teachers in our University of California. H i g h hopes ride on the persons who represent us and you in this enterprise. Professor Go r don has our best wishes in this pioneering; experience here. W i t h the help of those I have already mentioned and of M r . Steve Huang, Mr s. Ethel J. Fehl, M r , Preston Schoyer, and others, I know you w i ll achieve personal academic excellence and social distinction. Ma y you as well bu i l d for the program the basis fo r a long and mutually prosperous association. I t is then w i th a f u ll heart and f u ll confidence and f u ll pride that I present to Vice-Chancellor Choh- M i n g L i this copy of the first written agreement between our universities. Speech by Dr. Choh-Ming Li, the Vice-Chancellor Th is occasion opens a new chapter in the development of T h e Chinese University. T h e University of California, established in 1868, is one of the world's great universities, having on its faculty more Nobel Prize winners than many a big country. Ther e are now seven major campuses scattered all over the State of California, w i th a total enrolment of about 70,000 and a teaching faculty of 13,000. T he head of the University is the President, D r . Clark Ke r r, and each campus is administere d by a Chancellor assisted by one or two Vice-Chancellors. T h e Office of the Education Overseas Program, under the directorship of D r . W i l l i am Allaway, is located at the Santa Barbara campus, the Chancellor of which i s The Vice-Chancellor addresses the Congregation (Seating l to r. Mr, H.T. Wu, Professor Wayne Gordon, Dr. William H. Allaway, Dr. C.T. Yung, Dr, Vernon L Cheadle, Dr. the Hon. C. Y. Kwan) 4