Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 3 Oct 1965

the beginning of the intellectual co-operation between two universities on the eastern and western shore s of the Pacific Ocean, namely the University of California and T h e Chinese University of Ho ng Ko n g. Our friends in the University of California have been taking a keen interest in our Universit y ever since the days when the first steps wer e taken to establish it. We own mu ch to them and to the University of California. As you may know, D r . C . M . L i , our Vice-Chancellor, was Professor of Business Administration and Director of the Center of Chinese Studies at the University of California in Berkeley, whe n he served as a member of the famous Fulto n Commission which paved the way for the establishment of our University. A f t er the establishment of our University, D r . L i , w i th the generous consent of the University of California, became our first Vice-Chancellor, to whose leadership and extremely hard wo rk must be attributed the present rapid progress and development of our University w i t h in the short space of only two years. Furthermore, D r . Clark Kerr, the president of the University of California, identifies himself w i th th e interests of our University by serving as a member of our University Council, T h e inauguration of the present co-operation programme marks the beginning o f a close relationship between our two universities in teaching and research. I n a moment, you w i ll learn more on the subject f r om Chancellor Cheadle and our Vice-Chancellor, D r. L i . I have now great pleasure in declaring th e Ceremony open and in inviting D r . Vernon I Cheadle, Chancellor of the Santa Barbara Campus of th e University of California, to speak on behalf of that University . Chancellor Cheadle and Vice-Chancellor Li greet each other while Dr. Kwan looks on Speech by Dr. Vernon I. Cheadle, Chancellor, University of C a l i f o r n i a , Santa Barbara L et me first say how sorry President Ke rr is that he could not get here in time t o take part in this Ceremony. He has a strong sense of the propriety of occasions like this and only the extraordinarily demanding nature of his duties in the University of California has kept h i m away. He asked m e to bring his greetings to members of T h e Chinese University , to those in Ho ng K o ng deeply concerned abou t your university, and to our University of California student s and faculty who are pioneering this Education Abroad Center in a university that is itself in a pioneering stage of development. O f course we could not have had this occasion were it not for the determination and skill an d devotion of many people in several agencies. I t is a privilege to render our thanks to these individuals. First, I salute Vice-Chancellor C h o h - M i ng L i , who f r om the first has been fully cognizant of the mutual desirability of having this center here. W i t h o ut his imaginative and forceful will, we could not have proceeded beyon d the talking stage. We are indebted, too, to M r . Robert Nichols, who has given generously of his time and persuasiveness in soliciting the very significant part that the State Department in Washington plays i n this co-operative venture. A l l nine of our students here, one of w h om w i ll come in January, w i l l in some important degree be supported by funds f r om Washington, D . C. I wish to thank the others in th e new Chinese University who have been kind and helpful to us here. I n particular, D r. Y u ng has been most hospitable. A n d I am certainly not unaware that his Excellency, Sir Da v id C.C. Trench, the Governor of Ho n g K o ng and Chancellor of T h e Chinese University lend s a solemn dignity to this enterprise that is of great importance to its success. T he Advisory Council of T h e Chinese Universit y should also be mentioned because of their support of this undertaking. M r . Wu , Registrar, I mention at this point as well because o f his attention to our program. Y o u know as wel l as I that D r . Allaway and D r , Buchanan of our own staff have been mos t impressive 2