Bulletin Supplement Nov 1965

Provided that no dividend o r bonus whatsoever shall be paid and no gift or division of money shall be made by or on behalf of the University to any of its members except by way of prize, reward o r special grant. Composition . 5. (1 ) T h e constituent Colleges of the University shall comprise Ch u ng Chi College, New Asia College and T h e Un i t ed College of Ho ng K o n g as Foundation Colleges and such other institutions as may f r o m time to time by Ordinance in accordance w i t h a special resolution o f the Council be declared t o be Colleges o f the University. (2) No provision in the constitution of any of the Colleges shall be of effect i f i t is in conflict w i t h o r is inconsistent w i th the provisions o f this Ordinance. (3) No person shall be excluded f r om being a member of the University by reason of his race or religion. Officers . 6. (1 ) T h e Officers o f the University shall b e the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor, the Pro- Vice-Chancellor, the Treasurer, the Registrar, the L i b r a r i an and such other persons as may b y special resolution b e designated a s officers. (2) T he Chancello r shall be the head of the University and may confer degrees i n the name of the University. (3) T he Governor shall be the Chancellor. (4) T he Vice-Chancellor shall be the chief academic and administrative officer of the University and shall be a member of the Council and the Chairman of the Senate, and may confer degrees. (5) T he Pro-Vice-Chancello r shall carry out all the functions and duties whatsoever o f the Vice-Chancellor i n the absence o f the Vice-Chancellor, except that he may not confer degrees. (6) T he manne r and period o f appointment o f the Treasurer shall be as prescribed b y the Statutes, and hi s duties shall be such as the Council may determine. Council , Senat e an dConvocation; thei r constitutions , power s and duties . 7. There shall be a Council, a Senate and a Convocation whose respective constitutions, powers and duties shall be such as are prescribed by this Ordinance and the Statutes. Council . 8. T h e Council, subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and the Statutes, shall be the governing and executive body of the University and shall provide for the custody and use of the University seal and shall administer the property o f the University as distinct f r om that of the Colleges and shall manage the affairs o f the University. Senate . 9. T he Senate shall, subject t o the provisions o f this Ordinance and the Statutes and subject also t o review by the Council, have the control and regulation o f 一 (a) instruction, education and research ; ( b) the conducting o f examinations f o r students; (c) the award o f degrees other than degrees honoris causa; and (d) the award o f diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions o f the University. Convocation . 10. T h e Convocation of the University shall, subject t o the provisions of this Ordinance and the Statutes, consist of the graduates and such other persons as may be prescribed by the Statutes and may make representations to the Council and the Senate upon any matters affecting or concerning the interests o f the University. Ccmpositio n o f th e Council. 11. T h e Counci l shall consist of 一 (a) the Chairman of the Council ; (b) the Vice-Chancellor; (c) the Pro-Vice-Chancello r ; ( d) the Treasurer; ( e) the Director of Education; ( f ) one member elected f r om among its own members b ythe Board o f Governors o f each of the Colleges; (g) the President or, where applicable, the Ac t i ng President o f each o f the Colleges and, where the President o f any College i s the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, such representative o f that College a s the Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall nominate; 3