Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 5 Dec 1965

He presented a paper on ' T h e Development of Ideas of Spiritual Values in Chinese Philosophy' to the East and West Philosophers Conference in 1959. His book 'Philosophy and Culture East and West' was published by the Hawaii University Press in 1963. Other articles published in the New Asia Journal are: 'Hsuntzu's Rectification of Names and Three Schools of Logical Thought in Pre-Chin Philosophy’, 'Six Meanings of L i in the Development of Chinese Philosophy', ‘A Discourse on the Theories of Mind as Propounded by Meng Tzu, Chuan Tzu, Motzu and Hsun Tzu', 'The Development of Heavenly Mendate in Chinese Thought of Pre-Chin Period', and 'An Interpretation of Argument in Hsiao Chu Chapter of Motze'. Dr. S.T. Tsou, Dean of Science A graduate of the Department of Mathematics of the National Sun Yat-Sen University, Dr. Tsou joined the faculty of his alma mater in 1939 and became Lecturer in Mathematics in 1945. In 1950’ Dr. Tsou took up a part-time Lectureship at the University of Hong Kong, and a year later became a full-time member. In 1953, he was awarded a British Council Scholarship and was granted study leave by the University of Hong Kong to engage in research and advanced studies under Professor A.G. Walker at the University of Liverpool, where he was conferred a Ph.D. degree in 1955. He returned to the University of Hong Kong in 1955 and held the post of Lecturer in Mathematics there from 1958-1963. In September 1963, Dr. Tsou joined the United College as a Senior Lecturer in Mathematics and also assumed duties as Head of the Department of Mathematics and as College Dean of the Faculty of Science. Meanwhile, Dr. Tsou continued his service at the University of Hong Kong until May 1964 as a Part- time Lecturer, Dr. Tsou's special field of interest is the differential- geometric aspects of Lie Groups and Lie Algebras. Dr, Yang Ju-mei, Dean of Commerce and Social Science Born in Tzehsien, Hopeh, 1899, Dr. Yang graduated from the University of Michigan in 1923 with a B.A. degree in Economics, obtained his M.A. degree in 1924 and Ph.D. degree in 1926 from the same University. On his return to China, he taught in the following universities: Chiao-Tung, Chinan, Kwang Hwa, and Shanghai. He had worked as a manager in many banks in China. He joined the staff of New Asia College in 1949. His publications: Goodwill and other Intangible Changes in Monetary Value and Problem of Conversion; Accounting in a Free Economy. MEMBERS OF BOARDS OF STUDIES, 1965 / 66 The Senate approved the membership of various Boards of Studies on October 20, 1965. The new Boards would serve from October 1965 to September 1966 ,w i th the Vice-Chancellor and the President of each of the Colleges as ex-officio members. Biology Director: Dr. Chao Chuan-ying (during the absence of Prof. L i Hui-lin) Members: Dr. Bau Yun-shen Dr. Chan Cheung-king Dr. Chang Shu-ting Dr. Doris Yin-ming Hsu Dr. Joseph Hwang Chi-chiu Dr. Yen Kwo-yung Dr. Daniel Y. Chang Prof. Hsu Bay-sung Dr. Ma Lin Mr. Lay Wo-pok Chemistry Director: Dr. Daniel Y. Chang Members: Dr. Chang Hson-mou Dr. David Tao-yung Chen Mr. Chi Hsiu Dr. Grace Chiu Mr. Chung Yu-ho (during the absence of Dr. Y . K. Chau) Mr. John L. Espy Mrs. Hung Narl Chow Mr. Lay Wo-pok Dr. Ma L in Dr. Tam Shang-wai Dr. M.S. Tsao Prof. Hsu Bay-sung Prof. L i Hui-lin (on leave) Dr. S.T. Tsou Chinese History Director: Prof. Mou Jun-sun Members: Mr. Lau Wai-man Mr. Lee Din-yi Mr. Sun Kwok-tung Mr. Wong Fook-luen Mr. Yen Keng-wang Mr. Chen Ching-ho Prof. Chou Fa-kao Prof. Noah E. Fehl 2