Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 1 Aug 1966

• Mr . H o Kam-fai , Hea d o f th e Departmen t o f Social Work , Unite d College , attende d th e Regiona l Training Centr e fo r Socia l Wor k Educator s an d Fiel d Work Supervisor s hel d i n Bangkok , Thailan d fro m August 8 1966 , a s th e representativ e o f th e Chines e University. • Tw o Demonstrator s o f th e Physic s Departmen t of Chun g Ch i College , Messrs . N g Win g He i an d Wong She k Fu , wen t t o Taiwa n t o atten d a summe r training cours e offere d b y th e Institut e o f Nuclea r Research o f Tsin g Hu a University . T h e cours e bega n on Augus t 1 5 t o las t a ful l month . Financia l ai d b y T h e Asi a Foundatio n mad e thei r tri p possible . • Mr . Pa n Chung-kwei , Hea d o f th e Departmen t of Chines e Literatur e o f Ne w Asi a College , lef t Hon g Kong fo r Kore a o n Augus t 1 4 fo r a month' s lectur e tour a t th e invitatio n o f th e Universit y o f Seoul . Mr . Pan intend s t o tak e advantag e o f hi s sta y i n Kore a t o collect catalogue s o f Chines e classica l book s an d manuscripts now kep t i n tha t country . H e wil l retur n t o Hong Kon g i n earl y September . • Dr . D.H . Fremli n newl y appointe d Lecture r in Mathematics , Unite d College , attende d th e International Congress o f Mathematician s hel d i n Mosco w from Augus t 1 6 t o Augus t 2 6 whils t o n hi s wa y t o Hong Kon g t o assum e duty . • Mr . D.Y , Lee , Senio r Lecture r an d Hea d o f the Departmen t o f History , Unite d College , returne d to Hon g Kon g a t th e en d o f Augus t afte r spendin g ove r two month s i n Toky o collectin g material s o n hi s researc h project o n Sino-America n relation s durin g 1901-1932 . • Fiv e scientist s fro m thi s Universit y ar e participating in th e 11t h Pacifi c Scienc e Conference , whic h began i n Toky o o n Augus t 2 2 an d wil l las t unti l September 2 thi s year . Th e mai n purpos e o f th e Conference i s t o "initiat e an d promot e co-operatio n i n the stud y o f scientifi c problem s relatin g t o th e Pacifi c Region, mor e particularl y thos e affectin g th e prosperit y and well-bein g o f Pacifi c peoples. " The participant s fro m thi s Universit y are : Professor Che n Cheng-sian g (Geography ) Dr. M a Li n (Chemistry ) Dr. Cha n Yi u Ke e (Chemistry ) Mr. Le e Kwok-ya n (Biology ) Mr. She n Shi h Chie h (Biology) . • Eigh t Ne w Asi a student s returne d t o Hon g Kong o n Augus t 2 0 afte r spendin g five week s in Japan , wher e the y attende d th e Asia n Yout h Conference organized b y Mora l Re-Armament . Afte r th e Conference, th e student s toure d man y Japanes e citie s to perfor m fol k musi c an d fol k dancing . Thenc e they wer e separate d t o liv e eac h wit h a Japanes e famil y for a week . Whil e i n Japan , the y learne d a grea t dea l about th e Japanes e custom s an d wa y o f life . NEW APPOINTMENT S I N TH E COLLEGES United College The followin g appointment s hav e bee n announce d by Unite d College: — Department of Chinese Language & Literature Mr. Yi m Le e (Senio r Lecturer ) Mr. Won g Mang-khu i (Lecturer ) Mr. L i Hui-yin g (Lecturer ) Department of English Language & Literature Mrs. Conni e Ros e Sha m (Assistan t Lecturer ) Mrs. Chan g Fen g Pao-chun g (Assistan t Lecturer ) Mr. Ronal d Huber t (Demonstrator ) Miss Anni e L.C . She a (Demonstrator ) Department of History Mr. Chi-shu i Chan g (Lecturer ) Mr. F . T . L i (Lecturer ) Department of Accounting & Finance Mr. Yu-t o Chun g (Lecturer ) Department of Business Management Mr. Tam Chun-chi u (Tutor ) Department of Sociology Mr. N g Kee-lia n (Assistan t Lecturer ) Mrs. Ts o Wa i Bik-yue n (Demonstrator ) Department of Social Work Dr. Allenc y H.Y . Yan g (Lecturer ) Mrs. Norm a Jann y Leon g (Fiel d Wor k Supervisor ) Department of Chemistry Dr. Dann y S.H . Ma k (Temporar y Lecturer ) Mr. Cho i Mi n (Demonstrator ) Miss Sylvi a S.L . H o (Demonstrator ) Mr. Yi p Chak-ka i (Demonstrator ) Department of Mathematics Dr. N . N . Cha n (Senio r Lecturer ) Dr. D . H . Fremli n (Lecturer ) Miss Sabin a K.P , Y u (Temporar y Assistan t Lecturer) Mr. La m Ling-fa i (Demonstrator ) Department of Physics Dr. Lo h Shiu-chan g (Senio r Lecturer ) Dr. Fong-Chin g Che n (Lecturer ) Mr. Leun g Wang-she k (Demonstrator ) Registry Mr. Andre w Y.Y . Cha n (Administrativ e Assistan t -Probationary) Library Mr. W u Heng-y u (Cataloguer ) 3