Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 2 Sep 1966

From l. to r. Mr. H.T. Wu, Dr. C.T. Yung, Mr. L.D. Seymour, Mr. Y . M . Lin, The Hon. S.S. Gordon, The Hon. M.D. Irving Gass, Dr. the Hon. C.Y. Kwan, Mr. Yorke Allen Jr., Mr, T.C. Cheng, Mr. Y.K. Chu, Professor M. Moonitz, Dr. T.C. Ou. T h e L i n g n an Trustees are pleased to be able to take a small part in this venture. Its success over the years w i ll be achieved if, and only if, the Institute receives the effective help of all the parties concerned i n its operations—Government , T he Chinese University, the business c ommun i t y , and the support of its friends an d L i n g n an alumni residing here in Ho ng K o n g and abroad. As the L i n g n an Trustees look at the Institute, it faces a future that is bright w i th favorable possibilities. T h e services that it w i ll be able to render to the people of H o ng K o n g w i ll be dependent on the help it receives f r om all those concerned w i th the future of H o ng Kong 's business and commercial prosperity. I n other words, the L i ngnan Institute of Business Adm i n i s t r a t i on represents a "team e f f o r t "; and the L i n g n an Trustees conside r that it is an honor and a privilege for t h em to be a member of your team. Speech by the Hon. M.D. Irving Gass. M r . Chairman, Ladie s and Gentlemen . T h e formal inauguration today of the L i n g n an Institute of Business Administration is an important and significant event i n the history of T h e Chinese University of H o ng K o n g and I was greatly honoured when I was invite d by the Vice-Chancellor to be associated w i t h this ceremony . I t is a great disappointment to all of us, as I know it is to him, that D r . L I Ch o h -m i ng is not able to be present himself on this occasion. T h is Institute is a project very dear to his heart. I n his inimitable way he has devoted a great deal of his energies to bringing it to f r u i t i o n and it is indeed sad that he could not be here t o take his due part in this Inaugural Ceremony. I am sure we all wish h im a speedy recovery f r om his illness and look forward to his early return to Ho ng Ko n g. I t gives me great pleasure to welcome here this evening the President of the Board of Trustees of the L i n g n an University, M r , Yorke Allen, Junior, and two of his colleagues on the Board, D r . Y . K . Chu and D r . Y . M . L i n, wh o have made a special journey f r om America in order to be present at this ceremony. I am delighted that they have been able to come and that M r . Seymour , who is also a Trustee, should be present as well, so that we can convey to them in person, and through them to the Board of Trustees as a whole, an expression of our gratitude for the encouragement and generous financial assistance wh i ch they have given to the establishment of the Institute of Business Administration as a part of T h e Chinese University. It is very fitting that it should bear their name in recognitio n of their outstanding support. I t is three years since Ch u ng Ch i College made the first proposal to the L i n g n an University and since then the idea of the Institute has prospered exceedingly. I n accordance w i th accepted policy regarding research and post-graduate institutions, the University on its foundation assumed responsibility for the negotiations at this end. T h e preparatory wo rk is now complete. T h e Agreement betwee n the L i ngnan Board of Trustees and the University was signed and ratified earlier this year. Un d er this Agreement the Board has promised a total not far short of one m i l l i on Ho ng K o ng dollars towards the expenses of the Institute in its first three years. A n Advisor y Board, under the chairmanship of the Honourabl e S.S. Go r don, has been set up, which 4