Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 7 Feb 1967

T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T Y BULLETIN V O L U M E T H R E E • F E B R U A R Y 1 9 6 7 • N U M B E R S E V E N C O N T E N T S Page University Undergraduate Degree Examination 1 University Intermediate Examination 1 External Examiners 1 Advisory Committee on Journalism Education and others 2 T h e Yale-in-China Association Resolution ... 3 University's Dictionary Project 4 Vice-Chancellor and Pro-Vice-Chancellor on Tou rs 4 Scholarships fo r Students of Journalism ... 4 Donation of Books 5 University Health Centre 5 Programme of Japanology 5 Staff Profiles 5 Comings and Goings 6 College News 7 UNI VERS I TY UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE EXAM I NAT I O N Beginning f r om the academic year 1967/68, the Degree Examination w i ll be split into two parts: Part I to be taken at the end of the third year and Part I I at the end of the fourth year. Th is year, the 3rd year students w i ll sit for Part I of the Degree Examination, while the 4th year students w i ll take the full Degree/Diploma Examination. After 1967, there w i ll be no D i p l oma Examination. I n the Part I Degree Examination, a candidate is required to take three to five papers as prescribed by the Board concerned. Passing all the papers in Part I is a necessary prerequisite for promotion to the 4th year. I n the Part I I Examination he w i ll be required to take the remaining papers as prescribed, making a total of m i n i mum seven papers. A candidate who fails in his Part I may be permitted to repeat a year, and enter for the same Examination of the following year. Candidates who pass both Parts of the Examination w i l l be awarded Bachelor's Degrees of the University. UNI VERS I TY I NTERMED I ATE EXAM I NAT I ON T h e University w i ll hold its first Intermediate Examination at the end of this academic year for students who have completed their second year in the University. The examination is intended to be a test of the candidates' ability to benefit f r om their courses of studies and the working knowledge of some of the basic principles in their subject fields. Passing the Examination is a prerequisite for promotion to the t h i rd year. Th i s Examination shall normally be held in June each year. EXTERNAL EXAMINERS External Examiners for the Degree/Diploma Examination, 1967 are as follow:— Subject External Examiner Accounting & Finance Prof. Chao-hswan Lee Department of Commerce, College of Law, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Botany Prof. Wang Ch i - wu Associate Professor of Genetics, University of Idaho, U.S.A. Business Management Prof. Y.C. Koo The Chinese Cultural Institute, Taiwan Chemistry Prof. Rayson L . Huang, University o f Malaya, Malaysia Chinese Language & Literature Prof. L i u Tsun-yan, Australia National University, Australia Economics D r . Shu-chin Yang, Economic Development Institute, Wo r ld Bank, Washington, D.C. U . S . A.