Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 11 Jun 1967

The Hon. Szeto Wai (University Architect, ex officio) Dr. the Hon. P.C. Woo The Hon. A .M .J . Wright (Director of Public Works, Hong Kong Government) Dr. C.T. Yung (Representing Chung Chi College) To determine certain principles of operation con cerning the site and the buildings on that site, the University Buildings and Grounds Committee was appointed by the Vice-Chancellor in 1966. Members of the Committee are: 一 Chai rman: Dr. C.T. Yung Members: Fr. C.J . Barrett M r. Patrick S.K. Fang Mrs. E .J . Fehl M r. R.N. Rayne M r. B.P. Schoyer M r. John L. Espy (Secretary) According to the present schedule, it is hoped that the University may commence the site formation work this September, and the building work of the Benjamin Franklin Centre (the Student Centre), the first building to be erected on its own campus site, w ill follow shortly after. SCHOLARSHIPS AND BURSARIES FOR SOCIAL WORK STUDENTS Hong Kong and Shanghai Ban k Scholarships In commemoration of its Centenary in 1965 and to attract some of the best undergraduates to a career in social work, the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation has donated certain investments to the University to bring in an annual income of approxi mately $25,000 for the award of scholarships, under the following regulations: 1. The scholarships shall be known as the “ Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank Scholarships” and shall be awarded to students who intend to take up Social Work as a career upon completion of their courses. 2. The scholarships shall be tenable by th ird - and fourth-year students in the Department of Social Work at either Chung Chi College or United College. 3. The scholarships shall be awarded to candidates of sufficient academic ability who are genuinely interested in social work as a career; character, motivation, personality, and sense of responsibility shall be given prime consideration. I f no can didate of sufficient merit is presented for selection, no award shall be made. 4. Each scholarship shall be of the value of $5,000 per annum for a maximum period of two years and may not be held at the same time as any other scholarship. Holders of other scholarships or bursaries shall be eligible to apply, but they must agree to surrender tenure of their other awards if they are successful. Tenure shall be subject to satisfactory academic progress and evidence of continued interest in social work. (Although the possession of financial means shall not prevent candidates from being awarded the Scholarships, nevertheless, where the merits of any candidates are equal, preference shall be given to a candidate who would not otherwise be able to afford to enter the University.) The awards shall be made irrespec tive of sex, race, and nationality, but preference shall be given first to candidates whose domicile is in Hong Kong and then to those in other parts o f the Far East who are proficient in Chinese. 5. The number of awards each year w ill be variable depending on the funds available. 6. Application forms may be obtained from College Registries to which completed forms should be submitted on or before 15th July, 1967. The American Women's Association Social Wor k Scholarships In assisting needy and scholarship quality students in the Departments of Social Work at Chung Chi College and United College, the American Women's Association of Hong Kong has donated a number of scholarships for 1967/68 so as to enable such students to continue their education where otherwise this would be impossible. 1. The scholarships shall be known as the “ American Women's Association Social Work Scholarships” and shall be awarded to students, either in their third or fourth year pursuing a course leading to the Bachelor's degree of Social Science in the Department of Social Work at Chung Chi or United College. 2. Those who receive these scholarships have to work at least two years after graduation for social welfare agencies in Hong Kong that are recognized for this purpose by the Vice-Chancellor. 3. The Scholarships shall be awarded to candidates of sufficient academic ability and of proven case of hardship in financing their education. I f no candidate of sufficient merit is presented for selection, no award shall be made and the available scholarship w ill be awarded in the next academic year. 4. Each scholarship shall be held for a maximum period of two years and may be held at the same time w ith other scholarships, provided that the total value of all scholarships shall not exceed the amount of $3,200. Tenure shall be subject to satisfactory academic progress and review of the Senate Committee on Scholarships and Fellowships. The awards shall be made irrespective of sex, race, and nationality, but preference shall be given to candidates whose domicile is in Hong Kong. 2