Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 5 Feb 1968

sponsoring the project, and H a rvard-Y ench ing in sup p o rtin g it, have shown confidence in you r undertaking. We tru s t it w ill produce results appropriate to the im portance o f this subject here and abroad. L e t me w ish you every success in you r programme fo r the week. CONDUCTED TOUR News reporters and photographers o f the local press and friends from the Am erican Consulate General and the Am erican W om en's Association were taken on a U n iv e rs ity -w id e acquaintance to u r o f the three Founda tio n Colleges, adm inistrative offices and the various institutes and centres, w ith M rs. E lizabeth K o, Assistant Registrar, P ub lic A ffairs, M r. Paul Lam , B uildings O fficer, and M r. James Yuan, Assistant Registrar, Personnel, as to u r guides. T h e purpose o f the to u r was to foster good relations between the com m u n ity and the U n ive rsity. T h e T o u r G roup met at U n ited College at 9 a.m. to begin th e ir e igh t-h our trip . Accompanied by M r. T .R . L iu , D e pu ty Registrar o f the College, they toured the College premises, in clud in g the lib ra ry and the w ell-equipped language and science laboratories. T h e G roup next stopped at New Asia College where they were shown around the campus by M r. John T .S . Chen, Secretary o f the College. T here they visited the College lib ra ry w ith its resourceful collection o f Chinese and Western books. T h e y then proceeded to the new campus site at Shatin, and were shown the plans and locations o f fu tu re b u ild in g s by M r. Paul Lam . T h e y were U n iv e rsity guests fo r lunch at the S taff C lub o f Chung C h i College. A fte r lunch M r. Donald M cC om b, Bursar o f the College, guided the guests around the compus buildings. Back ill tow n they toured the complicated C om pu ting C entre , accompanied by M r. Donald G .K . Chow, the Programmer. T h e y then made an im p rom p tu v is it to the U n ive rs ity L ib ra ry . D r. K a i-M in g C h iu , L ib ra ria n , showed the guests the various facilities and explained in detail the intricacies o f the lib ra ry, and in pa rticular the special filin g system fo r Chinese works. T h e y also visited the School o f Education, guided by D r. Yen Y uen-C hang and M rs. M abelle B. N a rdin . T h e last stop o f the T o u r G roup was at the U n ive rsity Central O ffice, where they had tea in the Conference Room, w ith V ice-Chancellor C h o h -M in g L i, President C .T . Y un g o f Chung C h i College, President T .C . Ou o f N ew Asia College, President T .C . Cheng o f U n ited College, M r. H .T . W u, U n iv e rsity Registrar, and M rs. E. F e h l, D e pu ty Registrar. THE CUHK PUBLICAT IONS OFFICE T h e C U H K Publications O ffice has been set up to look after the pu b lish ing needs o f the U n ive rsity, o f bo th academic and adm inistrative nature. D r. Francis K . Pan was appointed D ire c to r o f the P ublications O ffice on a p a rt-tim e basis beginning 1st January. D r. Pan is at present a p a rt-tim e Le ctu re r o f Econom ics and Business A dm in istra tio n at Chung C h i College and is also a pa rt-tim e lecturer in the E xtra -m u ra l Depa rtm ent o f both the Chinese U n ive rs ity and the U n iv e rs ity o f H ong Kong. CUHK STAFF TO SERVE AS EXTERNAL EXAMINERS M r. H .T . W u, U n iv e rs ity Registrar and Concurrent D ire c to r o f the School o f Education, was in vited by the U n ive rsity o f H ong K o n g to be External Exam iner in E ducation (Practical Teaching) fo r the Academ ic year 1968. Professor M au rice M o o n itz , D ire c to r o f the Lingnan In s titu te o f Business A dm in is tra tio n o f this U n ive rsity, was in vited to serve as E xternal Exam iner fo r three years at the U n iv e rs ity o f H o ng K on g fo r the Degree o f B.S. Sc. in Business A dm in istra tio n . D r. S.S. Hsueh, Reader in P ub lic A dm in istra tion at U n ite d College, le ft fo r Singapore on 16th January at the in v ita tio n o f Nanyang U n ive rsity to act as External E xam iner to its D e pa rtm ent o f Governm ent and P ublic A dm in is tra tio n fo r the curre nt year. He is expected to return in early February, D r. S .T . Chang, Chairman o f the Biology D epartm ent at Chung C h i College, was in vite d to serve as External E xam iner in Botany at Nanyang U n ive rsity. He le ft on 17th January and returned on the 28th. CAREER TALKS FOR APPOINTMENTS WORKSHOP COMM ITTEE T h e A pp ointm en ts W orkshop Comm ittee w h ich was set up as a ‘coaching in s titu te ' fo r fina l year students to prepare them fo r interviews and employment, re­ cently drew up a programme to in v ite speakers o f various professions to ta lk to the students. 3